Chapter 5: I'll Keep You Safe and Sound this Sophmore Year

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Gumball's POV :

Freshman year has come and gone, summer is coming to an end, and now Marshall and I just hang out, like any other couple do. "So Marshall, want to hang out tonight?" I ask as we keep walking, through town. Everyone has been starring at us, because Marshall has to carry an umbrella with him in the day time, because if he doesn't he will end up burning to death.

"Umm..." He hesitates before answering, he looks to be thinking of an answer. "I don't know." He states and just keeps looking ahead. 

"Come on Marshall, I have never been over to your house once." I try convincing him. He just shakes his head, no.

"I don't like people at my place." He states and tries to change the subject. "So what classes are you taking this year again?" I look at him, knowing that he wanted to change the subject, but I just can't bring myself to drop it. 

"Marshall, what is so bad about your home that you don't like anyone there?" I ask. 

"I just don't want anyone coming over to my place, it's just boring....okay?" He states and looks away from me. I gently bring his face back to facing me, cupping one of his cheeks in my hand, his skin so cold, yet soft. 

"That's not it is it?" I ask. He pushes my hand away. 

"Look, I just remembered, I need to get back home and do somethings. If I don't im in huge trouble." He states and starts  to float off.

"Marshall!" I try calling out but it falls upon deaf ears. I stand there, watching him leave. "I don't care what you say, I will find out why." I state, mostly to myself. 

Marshell Lee's POV:

I fly home and quickly run inside, up to my room. Being out in the day time exhausts me. I guess I didn't realize that I ran pass Ice Queen, because I didn't know she was home already and is coming up to my room. She knocks.

"Marshall?" She asks through the door.

"Yeah." I answer and just close my curtains, sunlight creeping in and slightly burning me. 

"Is everything alright?" She asks. She asks that alot, it seems that everyone just thinks that I am some moody teenager that needs to talk about his feelings, when really I just need people to back off. 

"Yes, everything is alright." I respond. "I just want to actually get sleep." I explain. "I havent had a full day of sleep for a long time."

"Oh, alright." She responds but she doesn't leave. "Have you finally invited your boyfriend over at all?" She asks.

"No." I answer. 

"Why?" She asks.

"Because, I really don't want him meeting you." I answer, it comes out harsher than I wanted it too. "I mean, it's just you tend to fall for the younger boys and just stalk them. I don't want him thinking I am some sort of creep that leaves with another creep." I explain, not sounding any better than before.

"Well okay then..." She begins to leave my door and its now silent in the house. Allowing me to get some sleep. But that all changes at around five, when the sun starts to go down. There is a knock on the door and I am the first one to get to it. I open the door and there stands Gumball. 

"Hey Marshmellow." Gumball greets me with his goofy smile. 

"Bubba..." I look behind myself and hear Ice Queen coming. I shove him back and shut the door behind me as I walk outside with him. "What the flip?" I ask.

"Oh my glob Marshmellow, calm down." He replies. Then he shows me a bag that he is carrying. "Mind if I stay the night? I need a break from my place before school starts up." He explains. I hiss mostly to myself, I keep forgetting how loop like he can be. Well he needs to meet Ice Queen sooner than later. 

I sigh and nod. "Come on in." I open the door and allow him inside the house. There Ice Queen stands, looking at us confused. "Gumball this is Ice Queen my-"

"Adoptive mother?" He asks.

"Uh..." I clear my throat. "I was going to say guardian but that works too." I state. "Ice Queen, this is Prince Gumball, my boyfriend." She smiles and nods at Gumball. 

"It's a pleasure finally meeting you." She states. "So how does it feel to be dating a king?" She asks and then chuckles a bit. I clear my throat at her. She takes note of it and shrugs. "Sorry, it's just different seeing the boy you raised like boys after teaching him how to treat a girl." She explains, making me feel even more emberrassed. 

"Oh?" Gumball looks to me surprised and yet ready to crack a joke. "So you do know how to be sweet, like candy?" He asks. 

"Oh haha, very funny." I reply. "Only to girls, not boys that pretend to be girls." I state. 

"Oh...I think you are just one of those sour patch kids, sour at first but sweet in the end." He states, earning a laugh from Ice Queen. 

"Hey, Bubba, I think that sleep over might not happen after all." I pretend to threaten. 

"Okay, i'll stop." He replies, still smiling that goofy smile. 

"Well you boys have fun. I am going out." Ice Queen states. I look to her confused. 

"With who?" I ask.

"A man, i'll have you know." She replies and then smiles. "Met him at the supermarket." She replies. 

"Uh...okay then." I am lost for words. "Come on Bubba, we can hang out in my room." I state and lead him up to my room. 

Gumball's POV:

Marshall leads me up to his room, which is not as big as I thought it would be, but he does have his own bathroom. There is music sheets everywhere, instruments I didn't eve know he played and a small bed that is by the window at the furthest wall. 

"Cozy." I comment, earning a slight chuckle from him. 

"It's something." He replies. "What would you like to do?" He asks. 

"Anything is fine by me." I reply and pull him into a kiss, making him blush. 

"Will...will you stop that, geez you make me seem like the girl in the relationship when you do that." He complains, which makes him seem even cuter. 

"Oh I am sorry." I reply in a joking manner. "But I recall you blush even when you kiss me." I state. 

" do you." He argues back, with a slight pink on his cheeks. "An..anyways, lets just do something." He states and grabs his guitar that actually is just an accustic one. 

"Okay." I reply.

We end up sitting on his bed just talking and listening to him strum his guitar. We talk about how this summer should have never ended and how Marshall just wants to get out of here and possibly find his biological mother and figure out why she left him. After awhile though, it starts becoming silent between us. 

"Hey Gumball..." Marshall finally breaks the silence. I look to him waiting for what he needs to say. "What do you think sophmore year will be like?" He asks. I shrug my shoulders. 

"Probably not the easiest, but not the hardest." I reply. He starts to strum his guitar again, I gently place my hand on his leg and just listened to him play his guitar. This is how it should always be. This is how I wish time will just stop and allow me to be with him and just him, no jerks and no school, just him and I sitting here and listening to him play his guitar, coming up with new songs. Just us and no one else. This is the Marshall I want to just be with, not in pain, not angry, just mellow, and beautiful. 

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