Chapter 9: I'm So Sorry

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Ice Queen's POV:

I am in the kitchen with Ice King, we are starting up dinner for our young kids, until the home phone begins to ring. "I'll get it." Ice King insists and walks over to the phone.

"Ice Queen's and Marshall Lee's house." He states into the phone. I continue to chop up some unions. "What?" He asks into the phone, making me turn back around, worried. "Are you sure?" He asks into the phone, his expression solid rock. "When?" He asks, now his expression changing into sorrow. "We will be there." He states. "Thank you." He hangs up the phone and then turns to me, his face full of sorrow, pain, confusion, and just disappointment.

"What?" I ask, unsure of what is going on. "What is the matter?" I ask.

"Marceline and Marshall Lee." He states.

"What happened? Are they okay?" I ask, now worried. He shakes his head and places his hands on my arms, gently.

"They murdered a student." He explains to me, looking me in the eyes.

"What?! No, Marshall wouldn't do that, he is a good boy." I try to insist.

"That may be, but Marceline and Marshall were the ones covered in the students blood. They drank him dry, and were pointed out by another student." He tries to explain to me.

"A lot of kids would point him out there. He is the only Vampire there, so of course they would blame him for it. He is a good boy, he may threaten to hurt someone but he had made a turn around, he made friends, he found Gumball, he even goes out to hang out with his peers, he hasn't gotten into a fight at school for the longest time." I try to explain to him, feeling the tears fall from my eyes and over my cheeks. "He would never do this." I state.

"Marceline is the same way, but right now we need to go and get them." He insists. I nod and we head to the school of which they are being held at.

We arrive at the school and Marshall and Marceline are no where to be seen. I go up to an office. "Excuse me, but where is my son, Marshall Lee?" I ask.

The officer looks at me with a pained expression, possibly even sympathetic. "He is in my squad car." He answers. "I'll let you speak to him for a bit. But only a bit." He states.

"Thank you so much." I reply and follow him. When he opens the door to the back seat, there is Marshall Lee, looking down at the floor of the squad car. His hands are cuffed behind his back, his forehead is resting against the back of the front seat, infront of him.

"Marshall Lee, your mother is here to speak with you." He looks at me. "Make it quick." He orders and walks away a bit to give us some privacy.

"Marshall Lee, what happened?" I ask, knowing I will regret the answer.

Marshall Lee's POV:

When the officer walks away, Ice Queen immediatelly asks me. "Marshall Lee, what happened?" The tone in her voice says she knows she is going to regret this answer. I shake my head, refusing to speak, knowing my voice will fail me. "Marshall Lee, you tell me right now!" She barks.

"I didn't mean too." I finally say something. "I didn't mean to kill him." I explain further.

"What happened?" She asks. "And where is Marceline? Why was she even here?" She also asks.

I feel the tears rolling down my face, knowing that what I say will not matter and that I will be going to jail for what I have done. "It was an accident." I state.

"What was?" She asks, trying to get more information out of me.

"I didn't want to kill him, I just wanted him to stop." I state.

"What did he do to you?" She asks.

"He didn't do anything to me." I explain. "He was insulting Gumball." I state. "Calling him a faggot Princesses. And so much worse." I say. "I told him to stop, but he continued. Marceline shoves me into him and tells me to teach him a lesson. When she shoved me into him, it ended up making him and myself, fall over the railing, and then...." I can't bring myself to say more. She didn't say anything, possibly knowing why I can't finish. I look at her. "It was an accident, I just spelt and saw the red and lost it." I explain. She nods, but her face shows that she had heard enough. "I am so sorry!" I state.

"I know." She responds and stands up, walks away, and allowing the office to close the door again. I start to sob into the back of the seat infront of me. I never had this issue before, but ever since she came around, everything has fallen apart.

Marceline's POV:

I sit in the other squad car, looking out the tinted window, seeing Ice Queen talking with Marshall. He's probably telling her what happened. I look away to look for Ice King, and he is speaking with an officer. He isn't even looking at me right now.

He is probably ashamed of what has happened, but I have no regrets. That jerk shouldnt have been talking to Marshall the way he did. Jerks don't even speak to me like that at my school. I just wanted to show Marshall how to make them stop. And it went so horribly wrong. But that jerk got what he deserved.

Ice King opens the door to my side of the squad car. "Marceline, is it true?" He asks, keeping his tone even.

"That we killed a bully? Yup it's true." I state.

"Witness says that you started to suck the blood out of the student first." He states. I just shrug my shoulders. "Marceline, this is not a game anymore." He states and kneels down. "You don't want to go back to the Nightosphere do you?" He asks.

"No way." I reply with a hiss.

"Then there's only one place you can go." He states. "If I can't convince them it was an accident, you and Marshall will end up going to prison." He explains.

"We can handle that." I state.

"But what will Bubblegum say?" Ice King asks. That is what gets my attention again.

"I guess she will do whatever she has to do." I state, not wanting to believe that I will lose her because of this.

"And Gumball with Marshall?" He asks, now really grabbing my attention. "Do you want to be responsible for him losing Gumball?"

"He didn't do anything." I finally state.

"That's not what everyone else says." He states back and closes the door. Leaving me to think to myself of the mess I have gotten us into.

Marshall Lee's POV:

That night I return home, but I will not be staying. Ice Queen has convinced the court that if I leave for a year, and not return to the year is up, I will no longer be marked as a murderer. I head up to my room and begin packing my things, to leave. The court has finally contacted my biological mother, who has volunteered to take me in for a year. Meaning I will be in the Nightosphere for a whole year, without having any contact with anyone from the land of Aaa.

I hear sobbing in the living room, meaning it is Ice Queen. I can't imagine how this is on her. She has raised me since I was a child that was left behind in the land of Aaa war. She was never required to but even when I acted like a brat and put her in more problems then she needed, she still took me in as her own and all I do in return is treat her like she is nothing and cause her so much pain. I walk into the living room, where she is alone on the couch sobbing. I walk up behind her and she grabs my arms and wraps them around her. "I have tried everything to keep you safe." She sobs. "And now the only way to keep you safe is to send you away with the one person who abandoned you." She states. This has me beginning to sob.

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