Chapter 8: Fallen

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Marceline's school came to the Land of Aaa High School, for some dance team competition, their whole school are guests here, so right now there are no classes, just students either doing activities, watching the dancers, or just walking around the school. Gumball and Bubblegum are both in the science lab, testing out a theory Bubblegum has had for awhile. Marceline and I are just up at the top floor, away from windows, and away from the sun, and other students, jamming out on our guitar and bass.

"Hey, Marsh." She grabs my attention.

"Don't call me Marsh." I state and go back to looking down at my music sheet, figuring out what needs to be changed in the song so that my guitar can match with her bass.

"Why? Gummy calls you Marshmellow." She states, in a mocking tone. I look up at her irritated.

"That's just what he calls me, I can't make him stop." I explain.

"And you call him Bubba." She points out. "Or gumwade."

"So? That's just what I call him to annoy him back. You call Bubblegum Bubbles or bubble." I explain. "Right Marc?" I ask.

"Don't call me Marc." She hisses.

"Bubblegum calls you Marcie." I state, in immatitation tone.

"Whatever." She finally gives up and looks back to her sheets of music.

We sit there just playing what is on the sheets and minding our own business, but someone comes by to change that. "Hey, where's you fag of a boyfriend?" I look up and it's just some older grader.

"Don't call him that." I reply and just strum some more on my guitar.

"Why not? He dresses in pink and he is dating some emo vampire, I think that is what we call a fag around here." The guy states. I hiss and place my guitar on the ground, not breaking eye contact with this guy.

"Knock it off." I order him, standing my ground.

"Who's going to make me?" The guy asks and notices Marceline now standing up. "Who is she? Your lesbian sister?" He asks.

"Better shut your mouth." I growl. He just chuckles and looks to Marceline.

"Isn't it right? You are dating the other gumwade?" He asks.

"Hey!" I hiss and shove him just a bit, not alot, because of the railing behind him, if he were to fall from here he wouldn't survive. "Just stop man, we aren't hurting anyone. So why are you doing this?" He just chuckles and shoves me back, sending me to the floor.

"Hey!" Marceline now shouts and helps me to my feet. "Get him Marshall, teach him a lesson." She hisses and shoves me right into him. This, taking us both by surprise, makes him hit the railing and we both end up slipping over that railing, and before I can think of anything to do, we land on the ground, a loud crunch hitting my ear drums. A scent that starts to fill my nose. A warm liquid starting to cover my already red flannel. I look and he is on the ground, not moving, not breathing, and bleeding. The scent just fills my nose, the sight of red has me going insane. Marceline rushes down and sees this, and as if she had no control jumps right in and starts to suck out what she can. This has me going crazy and I join in, without thinking.

There is a scream that has us both stop and look up. A girl, one I don't remember seeing around here, so most likely one from the Ooo High School. Soon after her scream, others begin to come rushing in and sees the sight. Everyone begins to murmer to each other, I look around and everyone looks frightened. I look and see Fionna and Flame Prince. Both of them now looking at me, both looking so shocked and broken by the sight infront of them. I look at my hands and arms, seeing the red liquid covering both. I can barely see my own skin through it. "We need to go." Marceline states to me as she grabs my hand and tries to run off with me behind her. We run pass the science room and there Gumball and Bubblegum were just starting to run out to see what was happening. But when they see us running, covered in red, their expressions went to curious to complete worry and broken. I want to say something, but as soon as I look back forward to tell Marceline to let go, we are stopped by the school officer. There is no where to go now, and even Marceline knows this, because she lets go of my hand and lifts hers over her head. The officer looks to us, so upset, and pained by this sight. I can't help but to mentally kick myself for letting this happen. I should have just gotten up and walked away, not let the now dead jerk get to me like I did.

Gumball's POV:

Bubblegum and I are just at the point of her theory involving a way to keep waters clean and safe for those who need it and drink from the river. Until we hear a scream from close by. That makes Bubblegum stop and look at me. "What was that?" She asks.

"Someone screaming." I reply.

"Should we go and check it out?" She asks, now making me curious of what has happened. I nod and we are just leaving the science lab, when we see Marshall and Marceline running right pass us, covered in what looked like blood. As soon as they run by us, Marshall looks me in the eyes, that's when I figure out that things have gone so down hill.

"What the flip?" Bubblegum asks. "Are they...?" She doesn't finish her question.

"I think so." I reply. We witness the school officer stop them. He looks down at them with the same look that I must have. "Marshall, what have you done?" I ask, in a whisper, as if he can hear me.

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