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Night patrol was always Chat Noir's favorite time of the whole day. He could just jump around on rooftops while looking for any sort of trouble or crime. But his most favorite part of patrol, was seeing his Lady. Though, today, Ladybug had to call in and say she was to busy with stuff to do patrol with him. That didn't stop him from having fun. As he was on his way home, he noticed lights that were in in a certain girl's bedroom.


She can make me feel better after the bad day I've had, Chat thought to himself. Quickly, the cat hopped across roofs over to Marinette's balcony. She hadn't noticed him yet, because she had her face shoved in some school book. He tapped on the window slowly and quietly at first, leaning against the windowsill. But she didn't hear him. So Chat knocked a little louder. Finally, he saw a pair of two, beautiful, big, deep blue eyes peek up from the book. She looked curious, until she realized who it was and then, she looked annoyed. Marinette just continued to more of the book. Chat Noir took, them making eye contact, as a sign that he enter. So just opened the window and invited himself inside.

"How do you do, princess?" Chat strut over to Marinette on her chaise.

"There was a reason I didn't come let you in," she sighed and signaled to the school book she was reading. Chat looked at the cover of the big book. It was a physics book.

"Physics?"he asked. Chat sat down on the pink chaise with Marinette and looked at what section of the book she was in. Marinette blushed slightly, at how close he was to her.

Marinette scooted away from the cat and began reading again. He scooted with her. "I have to do homework, and I'm not very good in this subject, so I need all the concentration I can get."

"You know, princess," Chat Noir put his arm around her shoulders, "I'm pretty good with physics, if you need help with your homework?"

Marinette sighed, "Chat, I appreciate But shouldn't you head home? It's pretty late."

"I wouldn't be able to go to bed anyway. So why not help a damsel in distress?"

Long story short, Marinette had been convinced to let him help. And he wasn't lying about him knowing about physics, Chat was very smart when it came to the subject.

"Wow, thanks for the help," Marinette closed her binder which she had her finished homework in, and slid that and her book in her backpack. She returned back to Chat who was sprawled out on her chaise, and pet behind his ear, "kitty."

He purred and leaned into her hand. Obviously enjoying the petting and wanting more. Chat sat up, and purred even more when she used two hands to pet him. One was still behind his ear, the other under his chin.

"Silly kitty," Marinette chuckled. When she stopped petting him, she went over to the light switch in her room and turned it off. "You better go home and sleep."

"Mari, I don't want to leave. I want to be petted more!" Chat whined. He leaped of the chaise and scurried over to her. Marinette just rolled her eyes and chuckled. Then climbed the stairs to her bed/loft. Chat followed her.

"More pets, please, princess?" he said while Marinette tucked herself into her, soft, bed covers.

"No, Chat, go home," she yawned. After she got comfortable, she felt his leather suit slip under the covers with her, a strong arm wrapped around her waist. He scooted closer to her.

"C-c-chat?"Marinette stuttered nervously as deep blush dusted her cheeks."W-what are you d-doing?"

"Bad day," was all he said.

His Princess (MariChat)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant