Where's Ladybug?

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(Third Person P.O.V)

Nathalie came waltzing out of the Estate to escort Chat Noir into the home. She notified Gabriel Agreste of the superhero's request to talk to him, and the man was supposed to be waiting at the top of the grand stairs for them. As Chat Noir entered the doors, a wave of realization bit him in the face. He has absolutely no idea how to conduct this experiment! What is he supposed to say? "Hey I over heard you and some lady talking about placing cameras in a lady's room?!" He silently cursed at himself for being so careless. Well, he can't go back now he's just going to have to think up of questions that won't raise any suspicion as he goes.

There he was, Gabriel Agreste, standing atop the high flight of white stairs. Nathalie bowed to Gabriel before she stepped off to the side to let the males have their conversation.

"Hello Chat Noir, and what do I owe this visit to?" Gabriel spoke in booming voice.

"Well, Mr. Agreste, as you should know a citizen  was suddenly injured by a suspicious character," Chat Noir said. The older man nodded his head. "And I've been conducting my own investigation, separate of the police, to find out who the figure that hurt this citizen is."

"So, why are you investigating me?" he asked the super hero.

"I-it's more like- uh- well..." Chat's brain was trying to come up with a reasonable answer. "Think of it as a randomly chosen survey! I'm going around to ask random people questions about any suspicious people who may have showed up around the same time as the attack. Do you know any?"

"Describe what kind of suspicious."

"Well, they would have shown up out of no where- um, they could have been wearing a black hoodie- oh- but then again they probably would have changed clothing, and from what I saw, the person would be tall, skinny, and very agile." he described the person, not knowing that he was describing his mother. "Also, maybe a female?" he spoke like he was unsure.

Gabriel would have burst out laughing here and there, but that might have raised Chat's awareness. "That description is pretty vague," the older man pointed out. The blonde nodded in agreement, he knew that his describing skills weren't the best, but that was all he could conjure up. Adrien also just now wondered, where is mom?

The cat superhero finished up his talk with Gabriel Agreste, and left the large estate soon after. The blonde hadn't discovered anything about the camera's. Maybe he had heard his parents incorrectly? Adrien released his transformation, once he was in a secluded area, and caught the lazy kwami that fell out of his ring.

"Plagg, we didn't learn anything about the camera's," Adrien spoke with disappointment.

"I know for a fact that I heard them talking about it," Plagg assured Adrien. "We should go visit Ladybug."

The blonde nodded in agreement, and he hid the kwami in his pocket before he requested for Gorilla to drive him to the hospital. He didn't feel like transforming back into Chat just to go to the hospital. The large man pulled up to the curb in the silver car, and Adrien hopped in. The ride there was silent, like usual. The silence made Adrien's mind start to wander.

What if Peacock decides that they want to hurt me also?  Would they go that far? Are they teaming up with Hawkmoth to get our miraculouses! Adrien gasped, what of they hurt Ladybug again?!

The car came to a jerking halt. Adrien was forced forward by the sudden stop. He looked at Gorilla, eyebrow cocked with confusion. That was until he looked ahead and saw the destruction before him. The road was tore up from below, almost like the ground under it was shoved up. Cement chunks were cracked apart, there was no driving over it.

Is this an akuma's doing? Adrien wondered. Then if this was caused by an akuma, how was Chat Noir going to stop it? He couldn't cleanse the little butterfly. Adrien leaned forward and turned on the radio onto the news. It was showing where the roads had been destroyed throughout the city.

"People are wondering, "where's Ladybug?"' the news lady said, and continued on with the report. The blond stared hard at the radio as he thought, should he go to the hospital and see what Marinette thought they should do, or go fight the akuma? He sighs and bites his bottom lip. Maybe he should just play it safe and get Marinette's input.

Yeah so, I've left this story off for a looooongg time huh?  Well I'm so so so sorry about that! I hope to have a longer chapter out next time, this was just quick update for you guys!

Thank you for reading, bye-bye!! 😽🐞😽

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