Are You Two a Thing Yet?

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When Adrien arrived at the hospital, he saw Sabine, and Tom leaving the building as he entered.

"Hello, son, how are you today?" Tom asked as they stopped to talk.

"I'm doing fine, how are you two?" he noticed the bags under the parent's eye's.

"Tired," both the adults responded, then weakly laughed. Tom said, "We have to go back to the bakery, but you have fun. She's in room 199."

"Alright, thank you, have a good day," Adrien waved off to the couple, then walked down the hallway, in search of Marinette. His orange sneaker's soles smacked the tile floor, as he waked with purpose.

"199, 199, 199," Adrien repeated to himself as she looked at room numbers by the doors on the walls. He finally stopped in front of the room, 199. Adrien gently placed his hand on the cool, metal door handle. He wanted to see her, really badly, but then he also wanted to run away with his tail between his legs, because what if she hated him now? He had let her down, so he wouldn't be surprised his she kicked him out immidetly. He let out an unsteady sigh, and slowly pushed the handle, and opened the door. The hinges squeaked as he did so. Once he peaked his head around the door, he saw the bluenette in the normal, white, hospital gown, and was tucked snuggly under the baby blue covers of the bed she was lying in. She look up from her lunch, of salad, whole milk, and a turkey sandwich. Midnight blue eyes meet emerald, and they just stared for a minute. Nervous beads of sweat rolled down his forehead, until Tikki came zooming out of Adrien's white shirt pocket. The ladybug kwami flew over to Marinette, and rubbed her large head against Marinette's cheek, with affection.

"Hey, Tikki, are you okay?" Marinette giggled, and brought her hand up to pet the kwami's head. Tikki smiled the brightest she could, but you could still see the sorrow within her.

"The question is, are you okay?!" Tikki exclaimed with worry. Marinette nodded, and looked back at Adrien, who was avoiding her eye contact.

"----" Adrien whispered something, but ot was so quiet, Marinette couldn't hear him.

"Come here, kitty," Marinette spoke. Adrien was terrified, she hates me, I knew she would, Marinette hates me.

He took one step forward, then another, and another, until he made it over to her bedside. He stopped. A little louder he spoke, "I'm sorry,"

"Adrie-" Marinette was cut off by a sorrowful, shouting, blonde boy.

"I'm sorry!" tears stung his eyes, "I didn't want you to get hurt, it's all my fault you're hurt!" he pressed his eyes close as hard as he could, to trap any tears from falling. "You hate me, because I couldn't protect you, I'm sorry!" Adrien clenched his fists until they turned a paper-like white. He felt a soft, delicate, hand reached up, and cup his cheek. Once he opened his eyes, the tears started to roll, and she wiped away the salty tears with her thumb.

"Now hold on, when did I ever say that I hated you?" Marinette asked sweetly.

"I just guessed tha-" Adrien started to speak, before Marinette used the hand that was on the cheek, and placed it on the back of his neck. She pulled Adrien down, closer to her, and he placed his arms on the bed to stable himself from falling on top of her. Their lips connected, and perfectly fit together like puzzle pieces. Adrien's green, teary eyes were wide in shock, and surprise, while Marinette's were closed shut, and relaxed. Deep, crimson, red blushed covered their faces as they kissed. Adrien looked down at Marinette, from leaning down at her bedside, and examined all the little freckles that were sprinkled along her cheeks, and nose. He soon started to kiss back, then they seperated, both teens still bright red.

"I don't hate you, not the slightest, I love y-you," Marinette eventually spoke, and forced confidence into her voice. Adrien fell back onto a green, and brown, wooden chair that was conveniently placed at her bedside, dazed by her sudden actions.

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