She Knows

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"That's what I was thinking, but I didn't want to believe it," Marinette said. She sat up from the pink chaise, and sighed. All this excitement was stressing Marinette out, and what was a better way to relieve stress, then to take a nice, hot, and steamy bath? She lazily slid of the comfortable piece of furniture, and stumbled over ti her dresser and pulled out a black tank top that had a picture of Jagged Stone's most recent album, Rock Giant, album cover, and a pair of pink, fuzzy sweats. She exited her bedroom, and went downstairs to relieve all the stress.

After Marinette got out of the bubble bath, she threw on her PJ's and made her way back up to her room. But she got stopped in her track's by her father calling to her from the kitchen in the home. She entered the kitchen, and found her parents sitting down at the counter with the fashion magazine her and Adrien were featured in. Am I in trouble? Marinette asked herself.

"You never said you were a model," Tom let out a manly giggle. She sighed in relief, knowing she wasn't in any sort of trouble.

"I'm not, I was just invited, by Adrien, to a photoshoot, and ended up being in it," Marinette walked on over to her parent's, who were examining the pictures.

"Are you going to be modelling again?" Sabine then asked her daughter.

Marinette nervously nodded, then said, "only with your permission, of course! I'm sorry I didn't tell you before, like I said, I just ended up being a part of it."

"Of course darling! Model all you want, I'm just disappointed that you didn't tell us that you were modelling with your boyfriend," Her mother said, and stood up from the stool she was sitting in, and went over to the fridge to prepare dinner.

"H-h-he's not my boyfriend!" Marinette blushed, and defended herself.

"But why not? He's a nice boy," Tom closed the magazine, and set it down in the shiny, smooth counter top.

"Not to mention handsome," Sabine teased her daughter.

"Mama!" Marinette whined, "is it a-alright is I go back u-up to my room?"

"Sure, go ahead dear, I'll call you when dinner is ready," Sabine dismissed her, and Marinette zoomed back up to her room.

She got back up to her room, and logged onto her computer. She was greeted with her Adrien background.

"If Adrien really is Chat Noir, or Chat Noir really is Adrien, then why didn't he just tell me?" Marinette asked herself out loud. "Did he not trust me enough?"

"It's because Ladybug got me to keep it a secret from everybody, even from her," A voice suddenly said, and Marinette jumped so much out of fright, that she hit her head on the bottom of her bed/loft that was looming over her computer desk. She look over to the right, in a daze, and Chat Noir who was leaning over the bed ledge, and hanging upside down. He had his usual, mischievous smirk on his face. "Hello, purr-incess."

"Chat," she growled, and shot a warning glare as she rubbed the bump on her head. She stepped out from under the bed, and out into the middle of her room.

"Are you hurt?" Chat said, and lept of the bed ledge and straight over to her. He used one of his hands to grab Marinette's hand that was rubbing the top of her head, and then he slowly leaned down to press a warm kiss on the top of the bluenette's head. Her glare was wiped clean of her face, and blush replaced the harsh look.

"There, all better," Chat Noir said, and straightened up. Marinette scooted back, and laid down on the chaise that was right behind her, Chat didn't let go of her hand, and laid down too. He had to reposition them, to where they would both fit. Marinette laid right atop Chat, as he played with her soft, midnight blue, still somewhat damp from the bath, hair.

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