Act Normal

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(Marinette P.O.V)

When I woke up from one of the best nights I've ever had, I rubbed my eyes with the heel of my hand, and let out a nice, long, satisfied yawn. I looked over, at the empty space in my bed. Everything from last night seemed like a dream. But I knew it wasn't, I knew everything, the kiss, really did happen. The thoughts of it still made me blush.

"Good morning, Marinette~!" Tikki laughed, and zoomed up the stairs to the bed. "Time for school!"

"Go-odmor-ning, T-ik-ki," I sleepily slurred my words. Slowly I sat up, and slid myself out of bed. My bare feet hit the cold, wooden floor with a plop.

My morning routine went on, and everything seemed normal. Then, as I was walking to school in the brisk, cold, morning air, I realized something. I was going to have to face Adrien today, but how could I? How could I face my crush, after the kiss with Chat Noir last night? I knew I loved Chat, but I also loved Adrien!

"Oh my god," I suddenly haulted, and stood there with a dumb look spread across my face. Tikki cautiously poked her head out of my pink purse.

She looked up at me, with her big, round blue eyes, in wonder. "Marinette, are you okay?" she asked

"No, no I'm not okay at all," I spoke sadly, my guts felt like they began to twist up into a painful knot.

"Marinette," Tikki sympathized, "don't worry about Adrien." How did Tikki know what I was thinking?

"But that's hard, Tikki, I've had a crush on him for such a long time!" I whined. I began to walk again, but each one of my steps were small, and slow. "But then I developed these, feelings, for the cat!"

"It's not very rare for a Ladybug to fall in love with a Chat Noir," the little kwami assured me. Did that mean that, a Ladybug and Chat Noir would almost always end up together, like, in a relationship?

"Are you telling me that-" I started saying, until I saw a certain black limo that I had rode in yesterday, pull up on the street beside me, and a beautiful, blonde boy emerge from it. Tikki quickly dove back into my circular purse, and I snapped it shut.

"Good morning, Marinette!" Adrien smiled very warmly towards me. I would have felt like melting, right then and there, but I didn't.

"Morning, Adrien," I said, trying to act normal. He sauntered his way over to me, and a flashy grin appeared on his face.

"My father was super impressed with your modelling, that he wants to meet you at the next shoot we have," Adrien said, very excited. Gabriel Agreste, one of the best designers in Paris, one of my role models, liked my modelling!

"Seriously?!" I exclaimed. Adrien nodded and laughed, then I started laughing along with him. "Oh my god, I can't believe this! This is awesome!"

And without thinking, I lept up into Adrien's arms, and also threw my arms around him, I was just so excited. I was surprised in myself, for doing this. Usually, I could hardly even muster out a sentence in front of him, and now I'm literally throwing myself at him? And just after I told Chat that I loved him! I feel guilty, very guilty.

What surprised me even more, is when Adrien hugged me back! His embrace felt so, familiar? Have I ever hugged him before? I don't think so, so why does it feel like I've done this before, and recently? Blush rushed to my cheeks, and I pushed myself back from him.

"I'm sorry, I didnt mean to..." I quickly apologized.

"You're okay, you were just excited, huh?" Adrien said. I nodded slowly, and he spoke again, "we better get to school,"

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