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Adrien sighed, and leaned back in the uncomfortable chair, this was going to be a long night for him. Then, the blonde got a phone call, from a not very happy Nathalie. He felt the device vibrating in his pocket, and had to fish insde his pocket to get it out. On the screen, was a number he was way to familiar with.

Adrien nervously pressed the green answer button on the screen, and brought the phone up to his ear.

"Hey, Nathalie," Adrien spoke as normally as he could, but there was no hiding his scratchy voice, from all the sobbing he had been doing.

From the other line, Nathalie was confused on why he sounded like that, she was concerned too. "Where are you, Adrien," Nathalie said in a stern voice.

"Something happened, I'm at the hospital," Adrien spoke as he nervously played with the hem of his shirt.

"Hospital!" Nathalie yelled. "Why are you there at ten o'clock, at night!"

"There was an accident," Adrien sighed, "and Marinette was in it."
Nathalie knew that the boy had been friends with her since he started school. "Nathalie, please don't make me go home right now! I need to see her, I need to make sure she is okay!"

She was hesitant, but after a couple of silent minutes, she spoke up, "you can see her tomorrow, but tonight, you come home."

"Nathalie please!" Adrien begged, and everybody in the waiting room stared at the blonde boy with confusion.

"We will not discuss this any longer! Adrien, you're coming home," Nathalie said, even though it pained her. "The driver will be around to pick you up, wait outside, please."

I didn't know Gorilla, the driver, was still working at this time of night, Adrien wondered. He didn't want to leave Marinette at the hospital, not after everything that has happened. Adrien angrily hung up on Nathalie. Then shoved his phone back into his pocket.

"Son, it will be okay," Tom said, he patted Adrien on the back with his large hand.

"Marinette will be feeling way better tomorrow, so go home and go to school," Sabine then said with a smile.

After a little more convincing from Marinette's parents, Adrien finally decided that he would leave. It hurt every part of his heart when he exited the hospital, and was drove away in the limo to his lonely home. Now that Adrien knew that Ladybug and Marinette, and Marinette was Ladybug, he felt torn knowing that he let the love of his life have knives pierced through her.

Once home, Adrien rushed up to his room. Tikki and Plagg left his shirt once he entered his room, and locked the door behind him.

The blonde sighed, and stiffened up when he heard the small, Ladybug kwami speak.

"Hello, Adrien, I am Tikki!" she said. It surprised Adrien how squeaky, and tiny her voice was.

"H-Hi..." Adrien soon relaxed, hoping that Tikki wouldn't yell at him, and accuse him for abandoning Marinette.

Tikki smiled, and broke the silence, "would it help you if I explained some stuff?" Adrien nodded, and Tikki began story time.

Gabriel Agreste had heard of the Marinette incident, and wondered why Ladybug didn't show up to the crime scene, but Chat Noir did. He had played all the possibilities in his head, as he sat down in an elegant, white, clean, armchair.

One possibility being, Ladybug had travelled somewhere out of Paris, and Chat Noir was in charge of trying to keep Paris safe. Another one being, Ladybug just couldn't make it in time, and Chat Noir was nearby. Or... Gabriel rubbed his chin. No, that couldn't be, Marinette is way to small, weak, useless, to be Ladybug. He shook the idea from his head. He then stopped thinking about Ladybug, and started thinking about Chat Noir, and how the cat super hero reminded him of certain, blonde, green eyed, stubborn boy. His son, Adrien Agreste. He started suspecting the real identity of Chat Noir, when Simon Says targeted Gabriel, and Chat Noir was bossing him around, and determined to protect him. Then Gabriel got a good look at Chat's ring. He wondered if he had seen it somewhere before, but when he gave his son a hug, which he hadn't done in a long time, he saw a very similar looking ring, on the same finger Chat wore his ring on. Ever since that day, Gabriel, or Hawkmoth, had been watching both Adrien, and Chat Noir's actions. He hadn't seen much similarities between the two, other than the obvious, like his looks. But they acted totally differently. Chat Noir was a loud, obnoxious, firtly, sprightly, teenage super hero. While his son, was a quiet, gentlemanly, kind, obedient teenager. So had Gabriel Agreste been over thinking everything? Was there a possibility that Chat Noir's miraculous had been right under his nose this whole time?

"Have I really been this blind?" Gabriel thought out loud. He arose from the chair, and gracefully walked over to the door to exit the room. He had to talk to his son, maybe he'd get some more evidence.

Meanwhile, Tikki had finished telling Adrien about Marinette's side of everything. When there was a hardy three knocks pounded against Adrien's bedroom door. They glanced at the door, then Plagg and Tikki dashed off to a hiding spot. Adrien ran over to the door, once the kwami's were hidden, he unlocked it. His father stood tall, and orderly, on the other side of the door. Once the blonde opened the door, he was surprised from who was at his door.

"Father?" Adrien asked, confused. What does he want?

"Hello, son," Gabriel said, with curiosity in his dark blue eyes.

"Is there something I can help you with?"

"I just heard about the incident with Marinette," his farther spoke, "the poor girl wouldn't have gotten attacked like that if Chat Noir had only showed up a few minutes before," he said, trying to get a reaction out of his son. And he got one.

Adrien's shoulders stiffened, "I bet Chat Noir feels very, very guilty, that he let such a beautiful girl get hurt," Adrien spoke. He looked down at the floor, his green eyes deep in thought.

Then, the doorbell rang, the chime rang throughout the giant manor, and inturputed their conversation. Gabriel looked stunned for a second, how did somebody make it to the doorbell? There is nobody to let them through the gate. Gabriel wondered to himself

The man quickly excused himself, and went to go check the camera's, and see who was at his doors at, ten at night. Adrien, worried it might be trouble knocking at the door, and went with his father, and made sure to have Plagg at hand, just in case he needed to transform.

"Why would people be here this late at night?" Adrien asked his father, as if he would know. All his dad did, was shrug his shoulders, and continue walking at a brisk pace. He kept an eye on Adrien, to see if he acted strangely.

Once they arrived at the large room, with the security equipment in it, they accessed the cameras, and it was a woman who stood at the large, elegant steps.

Both males who were watching the security screen as the women shifted uncomfortably, she wore a midnight black hoodie, the same color of jeans, and white and black shoes. And she held a suitcase in her hands. Suddenly, she turned her head left, and looked directly at the camera which was watching her. Adrien and Gabriel gasped, and their jaws dropped. Under the hoodie, was a woman with a shade of blonde hair similar to Adrien's, but with a more grey tinm, from age, and she had big, sharp olive green eyes. Her glossed lips formed a smile, and she waved at the security camera.

In a rush, both Gabriel and Adrien scampered out of the room, down the empty, echoing corridor, down the fancy staircase, and straight to the door. Gabriel Agreste fumbled with the locks on the door, before successfully unlocking it, and swinging open the doors.

"M-m-mom?!" Adrien exclaimed. He stuttered, and shivered with excitement, nervousness, and thrill. The blonde woman laughed sweetly, and took off the hood, letting her short, shoulder length hair, flow. She cut her hair, Gabriel noticed.

"Hello, Adrien," she smiled a motherly smile, and put down he suitcase, to open her arms for a hug. Adrien gladly accepted the invitation for a hug, and lunged himself into her arms.

Marinette and the recent events with the "hooded figure" were pushed to the back of Adrien's mind. He was just to excited to see his mother after such a long time.

I'm super surprised that everybody guessed who the "hooded figure" was, correctly! I only gave you three hints, and yet, you all figured it out! That just proves how smart you are, pats on the backs for everyone!*pat* *pat* Give eachother pats too 😊

Thank you so much for reading this story, but I think it might be coming to an end pretty soon. I'm beginning to get a writer's block... But my writer's blocks don't last to long, so if I don't finish the story before I completely get blocked up, then I'll continue, then finish it.
I know for a fact I can fit a few more chapters in, so it's not going to end yet! This is the longest story I have ever wrote, and it's because of everybody's support, and paw-stitive feedback! You guys are awesome!

Thank you for reading! Bye-bye!!

His Princess (MariChat)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя