Lights. Cameras? Action!

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(This takes place before Adrien visited Marinette in the last chapter (not including the update))

Adrien P.O.V
Mom and Dad were acting a little strange this afternoon. I came home from the photoshoot I was at to eat lunch, and I over heard them yelling about something. I peeked my head around the door frame and listened into their conversation.

"Don't worry, she'll never find it," Mom said. What did she ment, so instead of leaving like a good boy, I continued to eavesdrop.

"You can't be putting camera's in people's rooms!" Dad scolded with disappointment. Wait, camera's, what in the world are they discussing? But before I could listen in to anymore. Nathalie came up behind me and asked me what I was doing.

"Oh, I was just- uh," I spoke nervously. There was no good excuses that came to mind. So instead of saying anything, I just stumbled around Nathalie, while mumbling out words which turned out to be more like sounds of distress. Real smooth, Adrien. Then, I sprinted around the corned and through the front doors on my house. Plagg came zooming out from in my shirt pocket.

"Plagg, did you hear what my parents were talking about?" I asked him, and I started to walk down the sidewalk, in the direction to the school.

The cat nodded his large head, "yes I did, but what exactly were they talking about?"

"Beats me," I shrugged my shoulders, and looked over my shoulder back in the direction of home. "Whatever it was, it doesn't sound good."

"Maybe Chat Noir should come and investigate?" suggested Plagg. Spy, on my parents? Is that what this little cat was planning!

"Plagg!" I scolded, "why would you even consider spying on my parents?!"

"What, it was only a suggestion," Plagg retorted, and flew back straight into my back pack. It took me awhile to reach the school before the end of lunch break. I kept thinking about whether or not a Chat Noir investigation of my parents was necessary. I mean, if I heard correctly, then my mother had spoken of cameras being placed in people's rooms, and then not finding it. But she said that it was in a female's room. Who could it be then? Why would my mom of all people, be doing such criminal like things?! I hate to admit it, but maybe, just maybe, Chat Noir needed to have a little chat with the Agreste couple.

The end of the school day was finally approaching, there was only a few minutes left of boring lectures until that bell rung and released all of us students from the pain and misery. Normally, I wouldn't be longing for the day to end, but today I was visiting Marinette again, along with Alya and Nino. Our classmates had stuff for us to deliver to the girl still in the hospital, like sweets, flowers, and cards.

The sweet sound of the end-of-the-day bell had gone off, and we were all finally allowed to leave. Alya, Nino and I gathered up all of Marinette's gifts, homework, and notes, and made out way to the big building full of the injured, and sick. We lugged everything to Marinette's room. What a relief it was to see her smiling face again! While Alya and Nino were talking with her, we set the goods down on the foot of the bed. Suddenly, there was a little, quick flash in the corner of my eye. I averted my eyes, and glanced away from Marinette, looking everywhere for the light I just saw. Where did it come from? Was it just litch reflecting off of something? Yeah, that's probably it. After concluding that, that is what it was, I squinted in the corner of the room. And there I saw the slightly blinking light. What was that? It looked like it had lens, like a camera. Probably just a security camera, even though it wasn't placed like it a normal security watch. It was positioned to where it would be very difficult to see. Thinking if the camera that reminded me that I had to question my parents about the camera hiding.

"I gotta go- photoshoot... Bye," I mumbled out, and exited the room. I'll just come back later, at night, and tell Marinette the real reason I had to leave. I left the hospital, and went into a secluded area to transform.

"Plagg, claws out!" I shouted, and Plagg was graciously sucked into the ring I wore. A few moments later, I was hopping across rooftops, and making my way home. I always loved the feeling of freedom I felt when leaping in the air like this. It's as close as I'll ever get to flying. Once I was home, I took a deep breath in, and stood at the front gates. When slowing exhaling, I pressed the button on the gate to call Nathalie inside the Estate. A screen with Nathalie's face came on.

"Mr. Chat Noir?" she asked with a puzzled tone. Her facial expressions matched her voice, and she stayed looking at me.

"Hey there, yeah it's me, Chat Noir!" I replied back. "I was wondering if I could have a little chat with Mr. Agreste?"

"Excuse me for a moment," she bowed her head and excused herself from the view of the camera. I fiddled around with my claws, until she appered on screen again. "Yes, I apologize for having you wait so long. I'll open up the gate and escort you inside."

"Thank you," I bowed and looked back at the camera. The large gates soon then opened and I released another sigh. I'm just hoping that I don't mess this up, and say something I shouldn't

Alright alright alright! The chapter was just from Adrien's point of view, and now the poor, and confused kitty cat has to investigate his parents. Will he slip up and say something he probably shouldn't? Well, most likely he will, because Ladybug always delt with the talking.

Thanks for reading, bye-bye!! 🐞🐱🐞

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