⚽️Chapter 5⚽️

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It's been a few days here, the doctor says my mom is still in a coma and might be for who knows how long. It's scary.

I hear a soft knock at my door and I reply, "Come in!" without even looking because I know it's my dad.

"Hey, Tiger. Wanna go with me to practice? We can take Hershey if you want." He says.

"Yea, dad. That'd be great." I reply with a smile. My side is mostly healed so I'll be fine.

"Alright, get your soccer clothes on and let's get going! I'll be waiting in the car." My dad says as he shuts my door.

I walk over to the mirror, ponytail holder in mouth, and put my hair in a high ponytail before running out the door, Hershey next to me.


"Contain, Kiera, contain!" My da- er, coach says. He told me I had to call him Coach at practices.

I slide my feet on the ground before kicking the ball away (with serious skill) from the guy. His jaw drops and I leave him there in the dust. But I'm not looking where I'm going because I run into a wall.

Oh wait, not a wall. Just a guy with an amazing face. Wait, what?

He holds his hand out to me and I look at it, a bit nervously. He says, "I won't bite you, Princess."

I take his hand and stand up before saying, "Princess?"

"Yep." He says matter-of-factly.

I raise my eyebrow and smile. "Ok. . . Prince Charming."

Before he can say anything, I run away with the ball and score a goal.

The guys on my team for the scrimmage come running up to me and congratulate me. Hershey is barking like a crazy psychopath. He just wants to eat the soccer ball.

I look back to the kid and he's standing there with a smile on his face and shaking his head. I've never seen him before, he must be new.

My dad comes up and says. "Pizza for all because this girl is home! Load up!" Everybody starts shouting and jumping around. I just sit there and laugh, watching them.

We all go to "Felicia's Pizza Galore" pizza place and eat like pigs. Literally. We were all oinking and grunting just to add to the effect.

On our way out, the kid that I ran into held the door open for me. He has brown hair and gorgeous brown eyes. He smiles at me and I realize that I don't know his name. I'm not sure he'd appreciate me calling him Prince Charming or Gorgeous. . . I clear my thoughts and say, "I never got your name."

"My name? It's Cameron but you can call me Cam. What about you?" He says, giving me a cute smile.

"Cameron, cool. The name's Kiera, but you can call me Kiera." I say, dropping my voice to make myself sound mysterious.

"I'll call you Princess, then." He says and laughs.

I don't think he got the part where I said he could call me Kiera.

I turn around and say, "ok, Prince Charming." He smiles and I turn around to go to the car. Hershey starts barking as I get up to the window. He wasn't allowed to come in and he was lonely. I pet him quickly before turning around to look at Cameron. He waves. I blush and wave back.


-KD Montague❤️

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