⚽️Chapter 30⚽️

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{Kiera POV}

"What's wrong dad?" I ask, grabbing my dad's hand. 

"She's awake."

That's all I need, I race down the stairs and hop in the car. Thoughts are racing through my brain and I can't seem to stop them. 

Will she remember me?

Is she going to live?

Will she be able to walk?

Does she have to stay in the hospital any longer?

I try to clear the thoughts from my head by focusing on the blurry trees as we pass them at a speed much higher than any speed limit in this part of town. 

"Dad, you can slow down. Let's not get in a car accident." I pat his arm and give him a small smile. 

"Oh, right. Sorry honey." He says with a nervous laugh. 

"It's ok, I understand." I sit back in my seat as we pull into the hospital parking lot. 

As we ride the elevator up to my mom's room, I can't help but feel nervous. It's been months.

My dad looks down at me and smiles before taking my hand in his. He squeezes it as the door opens and I feel like a little girl again. 

The doctor, not the usual doctor, might I add, greets us and says quietly, "She was awake for fifty-three seconds. I know it's disappointing that you couldn't see her, but this is a major breakthrough. She opened her eyes and said your name." He points to me. 

She does remember me. . .my name at least.

"So what happens now?" My dad asks. 

"We go back to what we did before, there's a machine that alerts us when she is awake and conscious. We will pay more attention to her and call you when something happens." The doctor gives us a smile and then smacks his forehead. "Oh my, I am so terribly sorry. I am doctor Stonewallis." He shakes my dad's hand and then mine before leading us to my mom's room. 

My mom is on her back, someone has put her hair in a braid. A nurse with blonde hair walks in with some kind of medication and I watch with curiosity. She gets out a long tube and puts it in my mom's mouth. This must be how they feed her. She quickly goes about her job, and she's done before we know it. She turns around and I gasp. 

"Casey!" I whisper-scream. 

"Kiera, it's so good to see you!" We embrace and she holds me arm's length away so she can look me up and down. 

"Haven't changed one bit." She winks at me and we look at my dad. He's staring at us, eyebrow raised. 

"Oh" I say, laughing. "Dad, this is Casey she was one of my nurses when I was in this horrible place."

He smiles and shakes her hand. "Nice to meet you, Casey. Thank you for taking such good care of my daughter." 

She nods at him and looks at my mom again. "Some girl scouts came in and braided her hair. They had a great time." 

I smile and walk over to my mom. I kiss her forehead and whisper, "Please come back to us soon, but take as long as you need to." 

I walk back and my dad says, "Well, shall we go?" 

I laugh quietly and then say in a british accent, "Yes, kind sir, let's." 

He smiles and links our arms together and we walk out, smiling the whole time. 


{Asher POV}

"Your room and bathroom are here. Breakfast is at 7:00 a.m. every morning, Lunch is at 12:00 p.m., Dinner is at 6:00p.m. If you fail to show up, you skip that meal. No snacking, phones, or sleeping in." Mrs. "Short" says to Chase and I. She leaves the room, bored with us. 

There's two twin-sized beds with a tiny cabinet with a lamp on top of it between them. To my right there's a dresser with a mirror on top, and to my left is a small closet. The walls are painted a disgusting shade of dark blue, and there's a window next to the bed on the right. 

Chase immediately goes to the bed with the window and flops on the bed. "This can't be too bad, right? Just two guys against the world." He says with a grin.

"I don't think we'll get very far with the evil beast lady." I say, shivering. 

"You can punch her or something, you've got some muscles." He says, still laughing. 

"Did you see how fat she is?!" I say with fake horror, "I'd get lost!" At this statement, Chase loses it and starts rolling on the ground and laughing. He snorts a couple times before Evil Beast Lady comes in, her unibrow furrowed in anger. 

"NO LAUGHING! You are disturbing what little peace we have!" She says with the rage of a lion.

For some reason this makes Chase laugh even harder and she's taken aback, not sure what to do. But of course she regains composure, "If this happens again, I will report you." She says with an evil grin. She waddles, yes, waddles, out the door as fast as her chubby legs will take her.

"Dude, I don't think I've ever laughed so hard." Chase says, rubbing his tear-stained face. 

"Glad to be of service." I say, shaking my head and chuckling. 

"She is really gonna hate us." He says, his eyes widening to my amusement. 

"She hated us the moment we walked in, don't flatter yourself." I throw my suitcase on my new bed and flop down, imitating Chase. 

"Eh, we can pull some frickin' awesome pranks on her." He says, looking out the window and most likely already planning something. 

"Alright bud, sounds like a plan. Let's get downstairs to dinner, I'm starving." I say, standing up.

At the news of food, Chase jumps off his bed and practically runs out the door. 

At least he's happy. 


Are y'all happy with that chapter? I'm already working on the next chapter so that one will come really soon. Thanks for reading :)

By the way, if you guys ever need someone to talk to, just send me a message and I'd be happy to have a conversation! I probably won't answer very quickly but I guarantee you I will within 24 hours. 


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