⚽️Chapter 12⚽️

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A/N- Changed the title and if I do say so myself, I love it. Thank you all again, you're the best! ❤️
Also, so you're not confused, this chapter will have Kiera and Asher's point of view.

{Kiera POV}
Asher and I walk over to the swing set and sit down. The wind is gently blowing my hair as I look over at Asher. He's looking at the ground, probably not knowing what to say.

{Asher POV}
I can feel Kiera looking at me, probably wanting to know why I barged into her house with the police following. I don't know what I would've done if she hadn't opened the door. I picture myself jumping from her porch into the bushes and getting all kinds of little scratches. I'd probably be finding those little sharp needle things for weeks.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts as Kiera sighs and starts to swing. She really is beautiful. Her long light brown hair is blowing behind her in the wind, her eyes are closed. She looks so calm, so at peace. Hopefully that doesn't change when I tell her. When I told her that I liked her, what I really meant was, I love her. And, she's the reason I came back from that...place.

{Kiera POV}
Gosh he's taking forever. I decide to swing a bit so he doesn't have to feel rushed. Although I'm absolutely dying to know.

I think about my mom. We still haven't gone to see her. The doctors only called once to say she was still in a coma. I wish that stupid semi driver had stayed in his lane.

My thoughts scatter when Asher clears his throat. This is going to be an interesting conversation. I can feel it.

{Asher POV}
She looks at me, curiosity in her eyes. I know she's trying to hide it, but she's failing. I chuckle a bit and she says, "What?" I just shake my head and begin.

"I've never told you why I came back. Because, I-I didn't want to. You see, I think you wouldn't like me anymore if I told you, and I really don't want that. I just want to stay frien-" I'm cut off by Kiera putting her hand on my shoulder. She says, "Asher, I will never leave you. No matter what you've done. I will always love you."

I draw in a breath at that last part.

Does she mean friendship? Does she actually like me? Why is she so confusing?

{Kiera POV}
Why would he think I would leave him? I thought he knew me better than that. Maybe it's really bad. I silently make a promise to stay by his side no matter what. Because that's what best friends do. Right?

Before I know what I'm doing, I lean in and kiss him. Oh please, not on the lips-not yet. I kiss him on the side of his cheek and smile. His expression is priceless.

{Asher POV}

I can feel my jaw drop and eyes bulge. I must look ridiculous because she's laughing at me. I realize that she'll always be here for me. So, I begin. Calmer this time. Not rambling.

"Ok, here we go." I take a deep breath and go on. "When I left, my parents died in a car accident."

Her face expression changes into something like pain. And I know it's not pity. We've established to not pity each other at all, no matter what.

"So, I was sent to a foster home. I went through a few families but they always ended up returning me."

Kiera looks down, obviously distraught about this news.

"Anyways, this one family finally 'adopted' me. I figured it was close enough to you that I could come meet you. When I got to your mom's house. You weren't there. So, I decided to meet you at school." I look over at her. She's still looking at the ground. I decide to continue.

"And so I found you. And you're beautiful, you've grown up so much. We've grown up. I realized that I do love you. We've been through so much together and now you know why the police were chasing me. It's gonna be more difficult now that they know I'm here." Kiera is looking at me. She has mixed emotions, but I can't tell which ones.

{Kiera POV}
Foster home? Ran away? To see me?

I don't even know what to think. I remember the silent promise I made to stay by his side. He loves me. Not just as a friend.

"Asher, you can't hide forever. You can't live a life on the run." I say, looking into his beautiful eyes.

He nods, obviously knowing this. I look down at the ground thinking the conversation is over, but then he speaks up.

{Asher POV}
As she looks down, I decide to say something. "Kiera, I'm going to go to the police station, I want you to come with me. I'll probably be sent back to my family. But maybe I can convince them to let me attend school here. It's only 45 minutes away by car..." I trail off, not even knowing I had come up with that until I said it.

She looks me in the eye, trying to find answers- answers I don't have.

{Kiera POV}
"So we're going to the police station. Sounds like a plan." I say, with more confidence than I feel.

I just hope we know what we're getting ourselves into.

I sigh and stand up, holding my hand out to him. "We can do this, together." He takes my hand and stands up smiling. "I believe we can."

And then, he kisses me. Not the side of the cheek kiss. Nope, he kisses me right on the lips. Oh gosh, I wasn't ready for that.

I can't say I absolutely love this chapter but it's ok. How did you like it?

It's gonna be more difficult to update quickly now. I've got soccer practice, school, guitar lessons, and a bunch of other crap.

Please comment your thoughts, I love to respond!


-KD Montague❤️

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