⚽️Chapter 20⚽️

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From: Unknown
  Why didn't you show up?

My heart races.

Who is this person?

To: Unknown
Who are you?

From: Unknown
Guess you would've found out if you'd been at our meeting place.

To: Unknown
How can I trust you?

I set my phone down and look at myself in the mirror. My long brown hair is put up into a bun with a few stray hairs hanging this way and that. I have a bad feeling about this person, I'm not sure why.

Oh geez, Kiera. Maybe because it's an unknown number and they're telling you to meet them somewhere?

Another message comes in and I cautiously pick my phone up.

From: Unknown
I have information that you may want to know.

To: Unknown
You need to be more specific...

From: Unknown
Asher, my dear. Asher.

My heartbeat quickens. Asher. Maybe he's hurt, or in danger?

To: Unknown
See you at 8, then. Same place.

From: Unknown
Excellent. I knew you would cooperate.

As the clock ticks closer to 7:45, I panic. Maybe this person will kidnap me. . . But he/she knows Asher, and has information pertaining to him. I picture him, bloody and hurt in my head. But I quickly dismiss the thought.

7:45 comes upon me a bit too quickly. I sigh and grab a hoodie, making sure to put my pepper spray in the pocket. You're supposed to use it for dogs, but, it could do some damage to a human eyeball pretty well.

I tiptoe down the stairs making as little noise as possible. The last stair creaks and I hear my dads voice call from his room, "Kiera? Are you going somewhere?"

I quickly answer back, "Uh, yea, dad. Just going to the park with Hershey. I'll be back in a few."

He should believe this, as I usually take Hershey to the park. I feel kind of bad about not giving my dad all the details, but I know he'd never let me go if he knew why I was going. Besides, Asher might need me.

I walk out the door, Hershey almost dragging me down the steps. I don't think he knows what strength his powerful body possesses.


As we near the park, I slip my hand into my pocket and clutch the pepper spray bottle. My body tenses ever so slightly. Hershey obviously picks this up because he walks in front of me protectively, his fur bristling.

I stop and scan the park. There are a few children playing around, but I don't see anyone else.

Well, anyone that could send such mysterious text messages.

Suddenly a moving figure by a tree catches my attention. I can't see the face, but from the body movement I'd guess male. I gulp and walk closer. As I near the person, he turns around and it's- Cameron? No, I already have his number in my phone. Why would he want to meet about Asher?

"Oh, hey Kiera!" He says, jogging up to me. I raise an eyebrow. He doesn't seem to know anything about Asher. A little girl, about 4 years old, shouts at Cameron from the tree. "Cammy! help me down!"

Ha-ha. Cammy.

He gives me a nervous smile and turns towards the tree. "I told you not to call me Cammy in public, Ashley."

I stifle a laugh and scan the park again. Cameron couldn't be here to talk about Asher. It's just a coincidence. There's still nobody to be found though.

"Cammy" helps the little girl, who must be Ashley, down from the tree. His muscles flex and I can't help but stare.

"You should take a picture, it lasts longer." Cameron says with a smirk.

"Take a picture of what?" I say innocently, twirling a strand of hair around my finger.

"These bad boys." Cameron says, flexing again.

As badly as I want to stare again, I put a bored expression on my face.

I put his arms down and say, "Whatever."

He smiles an attractive smile and asks, "So what are you doing here, Princess?"

I roll my eyes at him, seeing how he used my nickname that he gave me again.

"Oh, you know, hunting for elephants." I say with a grin.

He laughs and starts to say something, but before he can, his phone rings. He holds up his pointer finger and answers, "Hello?"

I pat Hershey's head and suddenly remember why I'm here. I see a tall figure by the tiny pond, throwing bread crumbs to birds. The dude looks really old, maybe in his fifties? He turns his head to look at me, a creepy grin crossing his face.

That's gotta be him.

Cameron ends the call and I turn to look at him as he starts talking. "That was my mum, I gotta go. Have fun with your elephant hunting" He says with a wink.

He grabs Ashley's hand and I can't help but gush about how cute it is. She looks at me before walking away, her brown curls bouncing, and whispers to me, "Can you find me an elephant?" I get down on my knees and whisper back, "I'll do my best." She gives a happy squeal that makes my heart burst before walking away with Cameron.

Time to go see what Mr. Creepy-Pants has to say.

I straighten my shoulders and clutch the pepper spray again. Hershey begins his protective stance again, making me feel safer.

I walk over to the man and say, "I'm Kiera. You have some information for me?" He looks at me and throws more seeds to the birds.

Okay, creepy dude with a creepy smile throwing seeds to birds.

I'm about to ask again when he clears his throat. He gestures for me to sit next to him, but I shake my head no.

He shrugs and begins talking.

"I am John Wesley, manager of the local foster care home. Where your friend, Asher used to be."

My heart stops for a second upon hearing Asher's name. I nod my head and he continues.

"He's been shipped to Florida so he couldn't run away again."


Hey, guys. How did I do? Please be honest.

I'm writing this from my computer because my iPod wouldn't let me do italics. So I went through and edited the past chapters. Don't worry, nothing major. But if you want to go back through for a better reading experience, I suggest that. :)

If you're wondering how I'm doing, I have to admit, I'm not doing much better. But I miss writing and it's nice to give you guys another chapter, right? My mind, to put it in simple terms, isn't doing well. I'm not physically sick, just mentally sick. I'm getting help, but I don't really want help. Y'know what I mean? I keep shutting friends and family out and being a big jerk. Just ask Jasmyn.  (princess_jasmyn23) I would honestly hate being my friend right now haha. I hope to get better, and I have a great book idea that I'm going to write. I won't start it until after this book though.

I love you all!


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