⚽️Chapter 16⚽️

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{Kiera POV}

"It's ok, he'll come. Don't worry." Alex tries to console me.

I look at her, forcing a small smile. Asher hasn't come to school yet and it starts in five minutes. He hasn't texted or called me at all over the weekend.

"I think that's him!" Alex cries out. I jerk my head up to see if it is. There's a boy with blonde hair and he's the same height...but his tips aren't dyed red.

"No, that's not him." I say, putting my head back down.

Alex puts out her lip and sighs. "Well isn't this just a ray of sunshine."

The bell rings, basically saying, "You better get to class now or else you get detention". I stand up and walk to my math class.

"Did you take the last salad?!" Dustin shrieks at me.

I look up at him, not in the mood. Dustin notices this and sits next to me. "Hey hey, it'll be okay. You hear me? He'll show up."

I lean my head on his shoulder and close my tired eyes. My phone dings and I jump, startling Dustin. I reach into my back pocket and look at the message.

From: Asher
Hey, I'll be at school tomorrow. Can't use my phone. Bye.

I stare at the screen for a few seconds wondering what the heck it's supposed to mean. Dustin takes the phone and stares at it too, a puzzled expression on his face.

"What do you think he means?" I ask Dustin softly.

"I'm not sure, but he said he'll be here tomorrow so that's the best I got." Dustin says, looking at me.

I nod my head and throw my head back, staring at the ceiling. I feel Dustin leave so I get my tray and stand up. Too bad for me, I run into a wall. Oh wait, it isn't a wall. It's Cameron. My tray drops to the ground, it's sound echoing throughout the lunch room.

"I'm so sorry" I mutter, bending down to pick up the tray. I feel my cheeks flush as I stand up, my face right next to his chest. I take a step back and cough awkwardly.

Cameron clears his throat and says, "It's ok, I should've watched where I was going." Gosh this sounds familiar. Oh yea, it happened when we met. Cue the eye roll.

I just nod and try to step around him. He blocks my path. I try again and he moves the same way. I look up at him. Yes, up. I'm not exactly the tallest person.

He gives me his signature smile and my heart rate speeds up. No Kiera, stop it. I turn on my heel and head the other way.

Cameron grabs my wrist and spins me around. "What the heck?" I say, getting frustrated. Everybody's eyes are on us.

"What are we?" He asks, his eyes searching mine.

"I don't know what you mean." I say stupidly.

"Us. What are we?" He says pointing to both of us.

I cross my arms over my chest and say, "Well, remember that day when Katelyn was so rude to me? Yea I saw you and you didn't do anything." I point to him, tears forming in my eyes. I need to not hold a grudge but what else can I do?

Recognition crosses his face and pain sparks in his eyes. I shake my head and walk away, realizing the entire High school just saw that.

I flop onto my bed, sighing loudly. Today has been a complete nightmare. I just wanna sleep and wake up fresh.

I decide to take a shower, so I walk into the bathroom and turn the hot water on.

I grab a few towels and walk back into the bathroom. As I walk in, I notice the shower head had been turned so some of it was coming onto the floor. I turn it to the right direction and turn around remembering to get my shampoo.

Yes, I put my shampoo in my bathroom because my dad thinks he can use it. As I turn around, I notice a small puddle of water right where I'm about to step. I notice it too late because I slip and hit my head on the counter.

I hear loud ringing and barking. I squint my eyes trying to grasp where I am but I just can't seem to remember anything.

A dog runs into the room I'm in and starts licking my face. Wait, that's Hershey. And I'm in my bathroom. . .?

The events leading to this suddenly flood my brain and I get a pounding headache. I slipped on the water.

My dad runs into the bathroom and gasps. I look at him strangely and try to get up. As I turn my head I see bright red on the floor. That's blood. My blood. I can't take this anymore, I can't stand seeing blood. So I do the natural thing that a person would do at this time- I faint.


Any suggestions for what I should write in the next chapter?

-KD Montague❤️

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