⚽️Chapter 14⚽️

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Today is the day. The day I go to the police station with Asher.

I look at my hands, they're shaking. 

Nervous much?

I sigh and sit down in a seat, running my hands over my legs in an attempt to stop the shaking.

I'm waiting for Asher to finish getting ready; he's at my house taking a shower.

He told me that he just bought a hotel room since he had no other place to go. He worked at a fast food restaurant for a year so he could run away. And now look at us, "turning him in".

I hear a door open and he walks out, his hair still dripping wet. His red tips are bright, seeing as he just got out of the shower.

"Do you have a blow dryer?" He asks, looking at me. I stifle a laugh and say, "Yea, top right drawer in the bathroom."

He nods and walks away. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and I take it out.

From: Alexis❤️
  Hey did you say you were going to the police station today?

Asher said I could tell Alexis and Dustin, so I did. They're my best friends, of course I will. I send her a reply wondering why she asked.

To: Alexis❤️
   Yea, we are. Why?

From: Alexis❤️
    Me and Dustin were wondering if we could go, u know, backup. :))

I groan at her grammar error. Now I'm going through the battle of deciding on correcting her or letting it slide. Such a tough decision. If I don't correct her, then what if she tries to apply for a job and uses that? Then they'll think she's immature and say she can't have that job, making her not be able to pay for any food or housing, and if she has a husband and children, then she won't be able to feed them and- *ding* Seriously, I overthink things too much for my own good.

From: Alexis❤️
   Did u jump off a cliff and die?

I shake my head at her silliness and reply:

To: Alexis❤️
  First of all, it's *Dustin and I, not "me and Dustin". Second, I will have to ask Asher about that. Third, really?

I turn off my phone and walk to the bathroom, making sure to knock.

"Yes?" I hear him say.

"Are you almost done?" I say.

"What? I can't hear you." He says.

"I said, are you almost done?"


"Are. You. Al-most. Done."



Just then the door opens and there's Asher, his hair dry now, smirking like a complete stuck up idiot.

"You heard me the first time didn't you?" I say, glaring at him.

He looks into the distance as if he's in deep thought and finally says, "ah, yep I did." He looks at me and smiles.

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