⚽️Chapter 39⚽️

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{Asher POV}
"Get AWAY from me!!!!" I shout, flailing my arms and legs wildly.

My left leg makes contact with something and another cry of pain escapes the victim's mouth.

"Please stop!" Pain is clearly evident in my captor's voice. I stop flailing and try to relax my body, but my muscles remain tense.

A sigh of relief and then, "Thank you. Can you see me?"

"No..." I say cautiously. A thought occurs to me, "Can... can you see me?"

"Yes, Asher, I can."

How does this person know my name?

{Kiera POV}
"Knock knock..." I say quietly, tapping on my dad's door.

"Oh come in sweetheart." My dad says.

I step in and find him reading a book, his reading glasses sliding down his face as if he's one of those stereotypical librarians.

Can't get out of this now.

"Hey..." I say with a small smile.

"What's up kiddo?" He lays his book down and sets the glasses on top of his head.

"I...wanted to talk to you about a few things."

His brow creases with concern and pats the bed next to him. "Ok, come sit down."

I smile and climb onto the bed. "Um... Can you tell me about Julia?"

A great big smile spreads across his face, "Hm, Julia."

I sit there quietly, letting him continue.

"She is the most beautiful woman I've met since your mother and you."

My heart quickens and my brain floods with questions, but I stay quiet.

"I know what you're thinking." He smiles, "Isn't it rude of me to not call her the most beautiful woman in the world?"

Actually, not really, but I don't object.

He goes on, "Your mother is my first love. You are my second. So to me, you both are the most beautiful people in the world, and the most pure."

I asked about Julia but this is alright I guess.

"I fear that I will corrupt you, as I almost corrupted your mother."

I take my chance to ask why.

"Because I am a corrupted man, and I destroy good and pure things. You see, I have a problem, Kiera, and I think it's time you know."

Again, my heartbeat quickens.

"I have a serious problem with drinking. I always have. That is why your mother and I decided that we should get a divorce. She hated that I couldn't quit for her. The divorce was a mistake, and it was a mistake for me to keep at it. Now I see that it just made your life miserable. And I regret that greatly. We both do."

"Then why don't you get back with mom?"

He sighs and thinks for a few seconds. "I don't really know, but that was an option. Until I met Julia. And I no longer have a desire to be with your mom."


He sighs again and says, "That is the honest truth, and I'm really sorry you had to hear it from me. But since your mom has been in a coma so long, it just seemed right. I've been putting it off for a while." He wraps me in a huge hug and we sit there together with silent tears running down both of our faces. He breaks away from the hug and wipes the tears from my cheek. "Kiera, you are the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'd never do anything to purposely hurt you. And I'm doing the best I can to get over my drinking problem. I promise."

I smile at him, "So...when can I officially meet Julia?"

A huge grin breaks out on his face, "Tomorrow at dinner, does that sound good?"

"Only if pizza is involved." I smirk at him.


{Asher POV}
"How the heck do you know my name?" I say, still unable to see.

"Well, if you opened your eyes you might know why."

So that was the issue.

I open my eyes to see an adult woman, and immediately I remember seeing her from behind and thinking she was Kiera.


"Yes yes! I'm so glad you remembered!" Her face displays true happiness.

"Why am I here though?" I ask, rubbing my head.

"You were on the pavement outside the Foster Home. I figured you were trying to escape so I brought you here."

I imagine her throwing me over her shoulder as if she's the hulk and a light smile plays on my lips before I come back to the harsh reality.

"Uh... how exactly did you do that?"

"You were half knocked out so I got you to kinda walk to my car..."

"So this is a kidnapping?"

"N- Well yes but would you rather be where you were? Because I can put you back."

"No no it's cool, kidnapping is way cool." I smile.

She smiles back, "I figured. Do you want something to eat?"

I think for a moment before saying, "Yeah. What time is it?"

She glances at her watch, "4:00 in the morning."

"Ok, yea I'll eat and then is it alright if I go back to sleep?"

"Yes of course!" She stands up and walks to the door before turning around saying, "Oh and my daughter is sleeping so hopefully she doesn't wake you up in a few hours, she likes to wake up at 6 a.m. and demand 'show time'"

"Ok, that's fine." I smile and then remember her name, "It's Catrina, right?"

"Yep, that would be correct."

After eating a bowl of soup, I lay down on what I assume is the guest bed, and close my eyes. I'm unable to block out Kiera's cries that I heard, and all I can do is hope that they aren't real.

Heyyyyyy guys how was that one? I actually really really enjoy when you answer the questions I write in here, it's so helpful for me to know what you guys want! :) But I feel like some people don't even read this part. -.- Whatever, someday I might reveal a huge part of the story in this section and those people won't even notice right? Now that's evil.

Well it's currently 3:30 in the morning, I just got back from Cedar Point. (It was so fun I highly recommend it) I wrote part of this while I was in lines and such.

Well goodnight/morning/afternoon wherever all my FANTASTIC readers are!🙃

-KD Montague

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