Trust a Sign To...

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Trust an Aries to show you a good time, one you'll remember

Trust a Taurus to throw sarcastic jokes, to make you laugh endlessly

Trust a Gemini to talk to you when no one does, to entertain you

Trust a Cancer to keep your secrets for you, to assure you

Trust a Leo to indulge you with compliments, make you feel special

Trust a Virgo to help you with difficult times and things, to teach you

Trust a Libra to accompany you when lonely, to please only you

Trust a Scorpio to have deep conversations with you, past midnight

Trust a Sagittarius to teach you to never look back, to move forward

Trust a Capricorn to tell you the truth always, to give wise advice

Trust an Aquarius to do new things with you, to have your firsts with

Trust a Pisces to know when you're feeling off, to listen to your troubles

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