Spinning Bottles

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<Harry’s POV>

I tried to take a deep breath, but it just ended up sounding like I was hyperventilating.  Charlotte shot me a concerned glance and I forced a smile, but I don’t think it was convincing. Thoughts raced through my head and I tried to persuade myself it was nothing.  Act like you’ve done this before, Harry I ordered myself.  The sad truth was I hadn’t done this before.  I hadn’t played spin the bottle, but that wasn’t the problem.  I hadn’t kissed anyone.  I was eighteen and I didn’t know how, and I was sure I would mess up.  With my luck I’d end up having to kiss Ann and she’d reject me or make fun of me right on the spot. 

“Earth to Ma—I mean Harry!” Jess said, bringing me back to the present. 

“Sorry, but I was just thinking, how are we going to spin the bottle on sand?” I tried to say in a nonchalant tone, but my voice audibly wavered.  Ben and Peter cleared a spot on the sand and placed a piece of cardboard down.

“Already ahead of you buddy” replied Ben with another one of his winks.  I knew he saw through to my nervousness and I looked away before he could crack a joke at my expense. 

“Let’s get this thing started” said Peter and everyone adjusted the circle around the bottle.  Peter spun the bottle and it whirled around, glinting off the growing fire.  It landed on Ben and everyone laughed.  Before I could ask what the rules were for landing on the same gender, Peter leaned over with a disgusted look on his face and pecked Ben on the cheek.  Ben grabbed Peter’s face and smiled dopily, making fun of the exchange.  Everyone laughed again as Peter slapped Ben’s hand away.  The bottle went to Ann, as she was next to Peter, and she spun and landed on Jess.  Jess giggled and waited for Ann to lean over.  Maybe this game wouldn’t be so bad.  Before I knew it, it was my turn.  I gulped and looked at the faces around me.  Even in the low light of the fire, I could see the smirks plastered on most of the faces.  Jess looked concerned, but Charlotte had a strange look on her face…I couldn’t describe it, and before I could take a second look Peter spoke up.

“Hurry up man, we’re all waiting,” Peter said, smirk still on his face, “unless you’re…scared?”

“Oh man, I think I smell a chicken,” Ben joined in with a short, mean laugh.

“Shut it.” I replied curtly and grabbed the bottle.  I spun it as hard as I could and looked up, waiting for it to slow.  As I looked down I noticed the bottle was going to end up on me again. I almost breathed out in relief when I realized this, but my breath caught in my chest.  The bottle hadn’t stopped on me. 

It stopped on Charlotte. 

The fire crackled and sparked, almost as if it was laughing at my fate.  I turned my head away from the bottle and scanned the circle.  Peter and Ann looked mildly amused, while Jess hid a small smile behind her hand.  Ben looked murderous, and I gulped, trying to swallow my fear.  At last my eyes rested on Char.  A faint pink color colored her cheeks, but she didn’t look upset.  I let out a breath, not realizing I had been holding it waiting for her reaction.  I cleared my throat awkwardly and moved closer to her.  I could feel my face burning, and not from the fire that flickered behind us. 

Oh my god, how do I even do this? I’m going to screw up! I thought, but brushed the flood of worries from my mind.  I couldn’t freeze, not now.  Not with everyone watching.  Why do they even watch? What is even the point of this game? If they want to kiss someone they don’t need to use a stupid game! The thoughts flowed forward again, threatening to drown me.  Charlotte looked at me, and seemed to smile with her eyes.  She looked beautiful, I suddenly realized, with her eyes sparkling in the light from the flames.  And I then realized something else, I was lucky to get to kiss her, because if this hadn’t happened, I never would have gotten to.  With a sudden rush of confidence I leaned forward towards her and saw her freckled skin grow close.  I shut my eyes as our lips touched.

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