Green Envy and Red Lipstick

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<<Charlotte’s POV>>

“Sweetie, hurry up! Your date will be here in 15 minutes!” my mother called excitedly from downstairs.  I sighed and looked at Jess who was currently trying to curl a piece of my hair.

“Shit! I mean shizzz Hi Mrs. L!” Jess’s crappy attempt at covering up her language for my mother went unnoticed as she unexpectedly entered the room and startled Jess into burning her hand.

“Oh my goodness, girls you look lovely!” I rolled my eyes as my mom nearly squealed with glee, “Jessica, your dress is gorgeous!” I had to admit I was a bit envious of Jess’s dress.  It was floor length, turquoise, and highlighted her wide brown eyes and slim figure beautifully.  My dress, on the other hand, was something I found in a small store in town, and I wasn’t sure if it was fancy enough.  Jess had cajoled me into buying it, and I didn’t have much time to look for other options.  It was dark green and short, and flared out in a way Jess insisted was flattering on my shorter figure.

“Aw thanks Mrs. L!  Have you seen Char’s dress yet? It is wonderful.  P.S. I picked it out!” she said the last part in a clear stage whisper and I rolled my eyes again. 

“She hasn’t let me see it yet, but I’m sure it will look beautiful.” My mom placed a tube of lipstick on the bathroom counter with a flourish adding “I think you should wear this.  It’s called ravishing red for a reason!” and with that she winked and sashayed in an all too dorky mom way.  I blushed as Jess cracked up.

“Jess, are you done yet?” I scolded.

“With what, laughing or your hair?” she snickered, but shut up when I gave her a look.

“Are you sure this is such a good idea?” I questioned, mostly to myself about our impending ride situation.  Jess had insisted that Harry and her come with Ben and me to the dance, and of course, Ben invited Peter.  It would have been rude to un-invite anyone, but there was still quite a bit of unresolved tension between Ben, Peter, and Harry. 

Not to mention the unresolved tension between Harry and I.

“Char, I know how much you overthink things, I do.  And you need to stop worrying about Harry, he can handle himself.”

“I know, that’s not—never mind.” My doubt had come back about Jess and Harry being “just friends” but I had lost my confidence to bring it up.  I had no reason to doubt Jess, I just did.  I wasn’t even sure if it was doubt anymore, because of recent thoughts I’d been having.  Like how Jess was always confident and smiling, while I laughed too loud and talked for too long when I tried to be confident, but buried myself in a book when I didn’t.  Or how Jess looked like a mermaid or model or something fabulous in her dress, while I stumbled around in a pair of too high heels like a five year old who stole her mother’s shoes.  It was no wonder Harry liked Jess, she was just so—

“Char, snap out of it.  You are thinking too much.  He’ll be fine.”  But her sympathetic gaze didn’t match what she was saying, and I remembered that I could rarely ever hide my feelings from Jess.  If I wasn’t telling her I was, well there was no better word for it, jealous, she could probably sense it.  Suddenly I was ashamed of myself, I had never told Jess I liked Harry, in fact, I didn’t even admit it to myself.  Who was I to throw a fit when I had a date, and my two best friends were happy? 

“You’re right.” She grinned at me, and I could see the excitement shining in her eyes, but that didn’t stop her from a sassy response.

“I almost always am.”

“In what universe? I’m the one who’s always right!” I replied indignantly, and she patted me lightly on the head.

“Oh Charlotte, just wait and you’ll realize the truth.” She said knowingly, nodding her head with a small half smile on her face.  I had no idea what she was referencing, and she looked quite strange, so I couldn’t help but respond in the nerdiest way possible.

“Okay Luna Lovegood, don’t let the nargles get to your head.”  I burst out laughing after my lame but typical comeback, and she soon joined me.  We eventually calmed down enough for us to add the finishing touches to each other’s hair.

 I took one last glance in the mirror and scrutinized the makeup on my face.  On a whim, I grabbed the tube of lipstick and carefully put it on.  It was darker than I expected, but bold, and I kind of liked it.  When I turned around to ask Jess’s opinion, she merely whistled and gave me thumbs up.  I put on my dress and twirled in it for Jess, giggling at her faked awed reactions.  Linking arms, we headed down the stairs to the entourage that was our parents.  I was going to enjoy this, I had to.  It was my last year, and in the very least, I needed a memory that would last. 


A/N: Hmmmm what KIND of memories Char???? Be careful what you wish for!

Sorry SORRY SORRY I haven't updated in forever (college apps are the worst),  but PLEASE comment and vote, and I have 2 more chapters I will upload very quickly. 

Picture of Jess and Char in their prom dresses in the side bar :)

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