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<<Charlotte's POV>>

"Harry? Jess?" I walked into the kitchen and had to blink a few times to clear my vision. Harry and Jess quickly pulled away from each other, guiltily looking at me. Suddenly this night didn't feel so great after all. I can't believe Jess, I thought she understood I was beginning to have feelings for Harry, but then again, I guess I never admitted it. I couldn't blame her...

"Charlotte, did you hear me?" A voice knocked me out of my flashback and I shook my head to clear it. I looked up at my teacher and was about to apologize, but she just gave me a warning look and repeated the question. I quickly answered, and soon enough she had moved on to harassing other, less studious students about their study habits.

Most of my finals were finished and it had been two days since the day I walked in on Jess and Harry embracing, or possibly worse, kissing. I hadn't actually seen anything, thank goodness, but the tension in the room and their worried faces were enough. I knew I couldn't be angry at Jess, but I went home after the awkward exchange, with a jealous feeling weighing me down.

Things had gone back to normal after that, Harry returned to school, I continued studying, and Jess continued being her bubbly self. I had avoided Jess and Harry the next day, but of course that didn't last too long, and I didn't notice anything between them. I actually was beginning to feel like I may have imagined the whole thing, but that was before the events of the rest of the day.

The bell rung and I hastily gathered my books. It was lunch and since it was "Prom Season" I wanted to make sure I was in the quad where my friends and I ate to see if anyone was going to get asked. As weird as it sounds, I liked seeing the surprise on people's faces when they got asked, or the awkwardness of a rejection. It was like a mini sitcom, live for everyone to see.

As I stopped at my locker I saw a familiar pair of spectacles following me, and I looked up at Harry and smiled. Geez, I never really thought about how tall he was until he stood right beside me.

"Hi!" Harry said, grinning at me rather cheesily. Goodness his dimples were adorable. And the way he shoved his glasses up his nose as they slipped down because he was looking down at me. Oh let's not forget those green eyes, squinted up slightly with his smile. I had to mentally slap myself for my silly thoughts. I was so distracted that as I tried to push my books into my locker, my lunch tumbled out, almost spilling the contents everywhere. However, Harry deftly caught and handed it back to me, my hand brushing his in the process. I felt myself turning pink and turned away as I muttered a quick thanks.

"So Char," Harry began slowly, "Um I have something to ask you, but I need to get something first, can you stay here while I run and get it?" The last part his words sped up, tumbling together, which was rather unlike Harry's usual slow and deliberate speech.

"Yeah of course!" I replied, silently wondering what he needed to ask me a question. It couldn't be about finals or homework, we had our last final tomorrow, so there was no homework and we had finished studying the material last night. The only other question I could think of was something rather illogical, but I thought about it anyway. My heart started racing as I considered how close prom was. Could he be getting flowers to ask me? Then I remembered his exchange with Jess and tried to squash my hopes with logic. I considered leaving my lockers despite my promise to wait because I really didn't want to be let down. I heard footsteps moving towards me, and expected to see Harry's lean figure shuffling down the hallway, but instead was met with Ben's dark-eyed gaze.

"Hey." He said shortly, with a slight smirk on his face. It seemed like he always had a smirk on his face, and honestly it made me a bit uncomfortable. Ben was alright though, for the most part.

"Hi, what's up?"

"Nothing much, just saying hi to a beautiful girl." He said with a wink. I tried to smile but it seemed to come off as a wince because he started talking again, this time with less confidence. "Anyway, um are you planning on going to prom?"

"I think so, I haven't thought about it too much." That was a lie, I had been thinking about it much more than I'd like to admit.

"Well that's cool." This conversation was going nowhere. I began to glance around for someone to save me, but I think it looked like I had some sort of nervous twitch because Ben gave me a strange look.

"Well, I'd walk with you to our lunch spot but I'm kinda waiting for someon-"but I was interrupted.

"Go to prom with me?"

"What?" I was beyond shocked.

"Do you want to go to prom with me?" It was only then I realized Ben was holding a single wilted flower, a sad mustard yellow color. It would've been cute if I hadn't been wishing it was Harry standing there instead of him. But I needed to get over that, because it clearly wasn't going to happen. And wasn't I just days ago considering Ben after he had stood up for Harry?


"What?" Oh man, now I had to repeat it.

"Yes, I'll go. With you. You know, to prom." That sounded so strange, why did that sound so strange.

"Wait, really? Awesome!" Ben did this dorky fist pump and then hugged me, which was a little awkward, but fine really. He handed me the flower, the stem now broken in half because of his excessively excited fist pump. I felt bad for it; it probably felt like it had the worst whiplash ever. "Hey, thanks Charlotte, I'll talk to you later about the details!" Ben bounced away, pushing back his sandy hair in the process. I heard a small, awkward cough and realized Harry had come back. In his hands was a small bouquet of flowers, and I couldn't help but realize they were my favorite color, red. Harry smiled at me, but something was off, and for a second I panicked. Had he wanted to ask me to prom? Did I just miss my opportunity? My eyes widened but before I could say anything, he started to talk.

"Congratulations Char." He sounded like he meant it, but something in his eyes gave me doubts.

"Thanks, it was really unexpected." I felt a little strange that he had seen the whole thing, but I pushed the thoughts away. "Can I ask who the flowers are for?" Harry looked at the ground and then back at me, and set his jaw as if he had made a decision. Suddenly I heard a familiar loud voice.

"THERE you guys are!" Jess walked quickly down the hallway, but came to a halt with wide eyes when she saw the flowers in Harry's hand. Her gaze quickly travelled to the nearly beheaded yellow one in my hand, and she frowned as if confused. She then looked up at Harry and he seemed to shake his head, almost imperceptibly. I was about to question their silent conversation when I was silenced by the question that confirmed all my suspicions.

"Jess, would you like to go to prom with me?"

Author's Note:

SOOOOO SORRY FOR THE WAIT GUYS! I will try and update again tomorrow but votes and comments would be nice? Just TWO measly comments OR VOTES? I want to interact with you guys!

Thanks for reading and voting, you all are lovely :)

Check out's our other fanfic, and it's super intense >:D

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