Conversations in the Car go Round and Round, Round and Round...

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<Harry’s POV>

I woke up to the sound of my phone alarm going off, the marimba tune annoyingly loud.  Groaning, I rolled over and shoved a pillow over my head trying to muffle the sound.  I really needed to remember to change that stupid tone.  It took me a second to remember that the annoying tone meant I had to get up and go to school.  I let out another groan but got up anyway, grabbing my glasses and heading for the bathroom.  I combed back my hair with some gel as I did every day, and pushed my glasses up my nose.  I looked at myself in the mirror, sighing at the scared looking person staring straight back at me.  School hadn’t even started yet, and I already looked like a wimp. 

After grabbing a quick breakfast and taking the lunch my mum had left for me, I got in my car and waited for Charlotte to come out of her house.  Despite the fact I’d been giving her rides for as long as I could drive, and my parents had before that, she always managed to come running out of her house at least five minutes after I had gotten into the car.  I let my thoughts wander, and they settled on the bonfire.  That night was the last night I had seen Charlotte, and I got the feeling she was avoiding me to avoid the subject of what had happened.  However, I wasn’t really sure because it had only been a few days since the bonfire, and she could have just been busy.  I’m pretty sure we needed to talk about what happened or else some irreparable damage would occur to our friendship, but I was worried, and kind of a coward.  I didn’t want to hear the “It didn’t mean anything” or the “It was just a game.”  I didn’t want to have to say them either. 

Because to me, that kiss wasn’t nothing.  And I didn’t lie to Charlotte. 

I was brought out of my thoughts by a tapping on the glass and I looked up to see hazel eyes and an exaggerated smile looking at me.  Great, the faking already had begun.  I unlocked the car and Charlotte slid in the seat. 

“Hey best friend!” Charlotte said in an overly cheery voice.  I had to stop myself from staring blankly at her.  Is this what our friendship had become because of one kiss?  One very nice kiss, but you’d think years of comfort and trust and normalcy would leave more than awkwardness and obvious attempts at covering a simple occurrence.  I opened my mouth to say something back, but then shut it, not knowing what to even say.

“So…” she trailed off.

“So?” This was going nowhere, but I couldn’t bring myself to talk about the kiss.  Instead I took the coward's route, and asked her how the rest of her weekend was.

“Fine, I just studied some more and spent some time with my family” Charlotte responded.  I couldn’t help but be a little hurt she studied without me, and my suspicion she had been avoiding me increased.

“Yeah, me too.  So back to school we go…only a month more before summer!” I groaned internally at how boring and fake I sounded.  This was not good.  I looked over at Charlotte and realized she was absentmindedly locking and unlocking her phone.  Oh man, this was worse than I thought.  The rest of the drive to school was filled with awkward exchanges and failed attempts at a conversation, and for once I was almost glad to arrive at school.

“Thanks for the ride, Harry”

“Hey, I’m always happy to; I mean how many years has it been?” She laughed lightly, and I felt a little better.

“See you in physics!” she said, beginning to walk away. I sighed and was about to turn around to grab my books when I felt her arms around me in a quick hug.  I blinked a few times, trying to think if I had imagined the exchange, and watched her walk away, with her long hair glinting in the morning sunlight.  It was then I recognized the slightly oversized jumper she was wearing, and I smiled to myself as I headed off to class.  I might be more confused that I was before, but for some reason, I felt quite hopeful that this day, despite having school, could be great. 

How wrong I was.

NOTE: duh duh duh! Sorry guys for the short chapter, but I wanted to update quick because of the number of reads! Thanks for reading, and maybe if I can get just ONE measly vote I will update again... TODAY :D???

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