Ditch the glasses, ditch the attitude

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<<Harry’s POV>>

I stared at the mirror intensely trying to recognize the face looking back at me.  I saw wide green eyes and semi-tamed curly hair, but no glasses, and surprisingly, no worried frown.  For some reason, I wasn’t worried about tonight.  I knew what I wanted to do, and I was going to do it—I’d even talked it over with Jess, which, for some strange reason instilled a confidence in me. 

I’d decided to go without glasses tonight, I knew I wouldn’t be reading, and I left my hair un-gelled because, well, I had a strange feeling Char liked it that way.  As I headed down the stairs, I heard my mother call out to me, and I sighed.  I didn’t need her snapping pictures now when I was alone.  After all, I did actually HAVE a date.

“Sweetie! You look dapper!” She gasped and I covered my face in mock embarrassment.

“Muuuuuummmm!” I fake whined, “stop embarrassing me!”

“You’re lucky your sister isn’t here, then you would be beyond embarrassed.” She was absolutely right, and I shuddered to think what Gemma would do to me if she weren’t away at university.  Thank God for small miracles, right?

“Well, I have to head over to Char’s now.  Charlotte and Jess got ready together and I’m supposed to drive everyone to the dance.”

“Okay, do I get to take pictures?” she asked, but quickly backtracked after I shook my head, “Fine, fine, I’ll have Charlotte’s mother email them to me.” She finished, laughing at my red cheeks. 

“Bye mum!” I called, finishing the conversation before it could get any worse.  I grabbed my wallet and keys from the side table and checked my reflection in the mirror one last time.  I felt a little vain, but the bow tie and curly hair situation was making me a tad anxious.  This is what a girl must feel like, I idly thought, snickering to myself. 


Soon enough I was ringing the doorbell to the house I knew all too well, and Charlotte’s mum was greeting me.  I headed inside to see an uncomfortable looking Ben seated on the couch next to Jess’s mum.  I considered greeting him, but I remembered he was basically my competition, and decided against it.  Jess’s mother seemed to be talking in a friendly way, but Ben appeared rather preoccupied with his own thoughts.  Before I could wonder what he could possibly be worried about, I heard the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs. 

Jess skipped down the steps lightly, looking rather pretty in her long dress and rather graceful as well.  I had no idea how she managed to move so smoothly down the steep stairs, until she lifted her dress just slightly and mouthed “sandals.” We both started laughing, and I wondered how confused I must have looked to prompt her to answer my unspoken question. 

My eyes moved up the stairs and I saw a flash of green move quickly down the stairs.  Charlotte, unlike Jess, was wearing heels, and didn’t move as smoothly down the stairs.  But when she stopped at the bottom of the steps, I did a double take. 

The dress Charlotte was wearing was my favorite shade of green, a dark green that made her hair look more red than usual.  Her eyes stood out too, now looking a shade of green rather than hazel.  But her slightly nervous smile, brightened by her makeup, lit up her whole face and she looked lovely. 

“You look lovely.” Ben said bluntly, stealing the words from my mind.  Charlotte blushed and giggled in a rather adorable way, and I turned away before I got even more frustrated. 

“Jess, you look really nice.” I said to Jess, truly meaning it.  For the time being, I had to focus on my own date, who had so kindly agreed to go to the dance with me.  Even if everything didn’t work out the way I wanted it to, I know Jess would be supportive and a definite source of entertainment the whole night.

“Thanks, so do you! You clean up nice Styles.” Jess replied winking at me, and I laughed as she adjusted my bow tie, saying “a skinny tie would’ve been nice, but bow ties are always classy.”

“Pictures please!” one of the two mothers present exclaimed, and for the next few minutes we were bombarded with camera flashes and cliché poses.

When at last we were allowed to leave, we rushed to my car before another pose could be thought of.

“Well let’s hope I’ll be able to see the road after all those camera flashes.” I muttered jokingly.  Charlotte and Jess laughed, but Ben gave me a look.

“If you don’t think you can drive, mate, you shouldn’t.” He said, seriously.

“I was joking!” I added quickly, not wanting to cause any problems.

“Ben, since when have you ever been worried about safety?” Jess interjected, and Ben seemed rather disgruntled when I joined in laughing with her. 

“Cut him a break guys, he’s just being rational.  Even if you were joking.” Char replied, and I stopped laughing immediately.  Ben: 1, Harry: 0.

This was going to be a long night.

A/N: Thanks for reading! More exciting stuff coming soon. Sorry for the filler-ish quality, and remember to vote.  Love you all :*

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