You Can't be Thinking Straight

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<Charlotte’s Point of View>

“Is he alright?  I can’t BELIEVE this happened! And Peter was involved? You’re sure? I never thought he was such a prat!” Jess screeched over the phone, causing me to wince and move it away from my ear in case she continued.  Satisfied she was done, I responded.

“Jess, he’s sleeping now, but as far as I know, he’s fine.  It wasn’t too serious, thank god.  I feel responsible, I just froze.  If he hadn’t tried to get me to go away, or I had done something to help instead of just standing there, this wouldn’t have happened.  And I can’t believe Peter was involved either.  I was ready to turn him in, but Ben wouldn’t back me up.”

“And you said Ben actually stepped in and helped Harry?” Jess sounded mildly surprised, and to be honest I was too.  But other than his unwillingness to turn in his best friend, which was somewhat understandable, Ben had seemed a lot kinder than his usual self.

“Yeah he did.  I don’t know why he did, but I’m glad he did.  Maybe Ben isn’t so bad after all…” even I had to admit Ben stepping in to help Harry out was rather sweet.

“You’re finding him attractive now aren’t you?” Jess perceptive as always, guessed the thoughts on my mind easily.

“Well I don’t really know, I just thought it was nice, I mean he did stand up against his best friend.”

“But did he? Char, you’re the one who said he wasn’t even willing to place blame on Peter! Besides, what about Harry?”

“What about Harry?” I jumped in defensively, “The only thing that happened between us was some stupid game and some stupid kiss.” 

“Aren’t you at his house now?” Jess pointed out, sounding annoyed.  I couldn’t understand what for, as she had never shown any interest in Ben.

“I’m his best friend!” I put an emphasis on friend to push the point across.  I currently was sitting on Harry’s bed, waiting for him to wake up.  When we brought Harry to the nurse, he had come up with some unlikely cover story that involved him hitting his head on the way to the bathroom after slipping on some water in the hallway.  Ben went along with it easily, but I was reluctant to lie to the nurse.  However, I kept my mouth shut and promised Harry I’d come over to see him after school.  When I got there, his mum said the pain medication had made him rather drowsy, and sure enough he was asleep on his bed when I entered his room.  To pass the time I called Jess to finish updating her on what had happened.

“And that means you know Harry a lot better than you know hero Ben,” she said, the last part dripping with sarcasm.  Sheesh, what was her problem?  Just then, Harry began to open his eyes.

“Jess I’ll call you back, Harry is waking up.” I ended the call before she could get in another snide comment and turned my attention to Harry.  I had to admit he looked cute with his hair mussed up from sleep and his green eyes blinking blearily at me. 

“Hullo, love” Harry said slowly, drawing each syllable out in his low voice.  I laughed and Harry looked at me confused. “What? You know you’re wearing my jumper right?” he continued and I blushed, having forgotten I still had it on.

“Oh right, sorry! Here, you can have it back.”

“No it looks…” he paused, seeming to search for the right word to finish the sentence, “it looks lovely on you.  It brings out your…” he paused again, gesturing towards my face somewhat comically.

“My eyes?” I stifled a giggle at his face which was narrowed in concentration.  The pain medication combined with the nasty bump on his head were probably confusing him and making him sound funny, but it was hilarious all the same.

“Yeah, those.” He fell back onto the pillow and his face relaxed into a cheeky grin.

“How’re you feeling?” I asked, knowing the answer was probably not very good.

“Wonderful.  Brilliant, actually.  I can’t feel my head at all, but you’re here so…” he trailed off, seemingly lost in thought.  He cocked his head to the side and added, almost as an afterthought “you’re really pretty, Char.”

“What?” Oh my goodness, did I hear right?

“You’re pretty” he said simply, like it was fact in a text book.  What had the nurse given him? I could feel my face turning a deep red as his gaze refused to leave mine.

“Thanks, Harry” I managed to get out, but I couldn’t remove my eyes from his.  Harry closed his eyes again, and I thought he was going to go back to sleep so I began to get up from the bed. 

“Char, don’t go.”

“Okay, Harry.  Do you want me to read you a bedtime story or something?  Maybe a lullaby?” I joked, forgetting that with his medication the joke probably wouldn’t make sense to him.

“I like lullabies” he responded slowly, his eyes still closed.  I smiled because he looked so young lying there. It reminded me of when we were younger and would convince our parents to let us sleep in tents in our backyards, only I would end up scared and have to wake Harry so I wouldn’t feel alone.  I reached out and brushed back his hair from his face, as it had become uncombed and curly in his sleep.  Before I could pull my hand back, he grabbed it lightly, holding it gently to his face. “I also like when you do that” he said seriously.

I began to sing a song that was popular on the radio, just to please him, even though it wasn’t a lullaby.  Surprisingly, he joined in, harmonizing his low voice with my much higher one.  It sounded pretty and soothing, and I found myself wishing we could sing together more often.  We finished the song and once again, Harry opened his eyes, his intense gaze centered on mine.

“Hey Char?”

“Hmm yeah?”

“Love you” he mumbled, and finally drifted off to sleep.  I stayed there a minute more, completely shocked, until my pulse stopped racing and I grabbed my bag.  I stopped in his doorway before flicking off the lights.

“Love you, too” I whispered to the dark room.  I wasn’t sure how I meant it, but I knew I did.


Two updates in one day! Lucky you guys! PLEASE read, vote, and comment. 


Love you all!

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