Movies and Mistakes

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<<Harry's POV>>

Last night, I had the strangest dream. I had been knocked out, embarrassingly enough by Peter, and even more embarrassing was the fact that Charlotte and Ben had been there to watch. Just lovely, even in my dreams I was constantly humiliated. Though the end of the dream was quite pleasant, I remembered now. It had something to do with Charlotte singing to me, and then saying "love you, too." I finally opened my eyes to light streaming through my window. Clearly, it was not the normal time I woke up for school. Wait...why did my head feel like it was throbbing? Yawning, I began to stretch and I felt the pain return. Oh no, so that wasn't a dream. I sighed, considering going back to sleep, but then I remembered the pleasant part. I sat up quickly, which was a mistake and dizziness blurred my vision. I grabbed for my glasses and examined my room while keeping one hand pressed to my throbbing temples.

Yes, there was a pile of books and notes, a sure sign Charlotte had been here to drop off homework and study materials. Maybe I wasn't so unlucky after all. It was possible the medication the nurse gave me had skewed my memory, but at least I knew Charlotte had come to see me. Smiling to myself, I checked my watch and saw the school day was nearly over. I missed another day of school, but luckily for me, there wouldn't be any new work, only review of old subject material for final exams. I slid out of bed and after meticulously fixing the covers I went to go take a shower. Several minutes later I went to my closet to search for something to wear.

"Mum! Where are my pants?!" After waiting for a response, I remembered the time and realized she was probably at work. I wrapped a towel around my waist and headed down stairs to look through the laundry. Today was probably laundry day, and I suspected my normal attire of slacks and jumpers were either in the dryer or waiting to be folded. I shook out my hair felt it begin to dry in its naturally curly self. Honestly, my head hurt too much for me to try to tame them like I usually did, and I highly doubted I would see anyone of importance anyway.

When I reached the wash room, I saw none of my slacks were dry and settled for a pair of slightly baggy sweats I didn't even know I owned. They might have been something my mother had bought me in an attempt to get me to wear less professional clothing to school. For my last few birthdays she had been subtly hinting I should try wearing jeans and tee shirts by gifting them to me, and I had quite a few of each hanging in the back of my closet. The change in clothing could possibly better suit me, but would more likely just draw attention to me, attention I definitely didn't want. So there they remained, hanging, probably quite lonely, in the back of my closet. I was chuckling to myself at my somewhat impractical thoughts, but the sound of a doorbell interrupted.

Hopping up the steps two at a time, I reached the door and opened it, thinking it was probably the mail. No one was there, and I looked around confused for a second before I heard a familiar laugh.

"Harry, we're short but not that short!" Charlotte smiled at me, but when I looked at her, her face quickly flushed.

"Oh hey, Harry, showing off much? I thought you were bed-ridden or something?" Jess giggled and looked at me up and down jokingly, "Damn!"

"Uh-I-it was laundry day, and uh, they were dirty-wait what are you guys doing here?" I tried to change the subject away from the fact I wasn't wearing a shirt. I mean, I'm a guy, I could do that, what were they getting on about anyway? I self-consciously mussed my hair, and realized I hadn't fixed that either. "Never mind, just come in" I muttered, making sure it was just the two girls who had seen me in my disheveled state.

"Well, to answer your question, Charlotte said she forgot to drop a book off for you yesterday, and I figured, why don't we give Harry some company? I know I get lonely when I'm sick, so we brought movies!" Jess dumped her bag on the sofa and pulled out several DVDs, showing them to me.

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