Lights Out

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<<Harry’s POV>>

As I drive home, I’m so lost in my thoughts I don’t realize Charlotte’s asleep, curled up in the passenger seat until I’m at a stop.  When I do notice, I end up looking for far too long and I’m pretty sure if there were cars behind me, they would be angrily honking their horns at my distraction.  It was hard to look away, because in sleep Charlotte looked like someone had wiped the worry off her face and all that was left was the carefree girl who only showed up on lazy summer afternoons where it was just her and I, or when she was reading a good book, or the short moment right before she smiles. 

As much as people tell me I worry, I think she worries far more than I.  Charlotte worries for not just herself, but her friends, her family, the neighbors’ tiny puppy, the new school teacher who has yet to learn the students’ names.  It makes her caring, but it also weighs her down. 

I think that’s why sometimes she makes rash decisions, like tonight.  The pressure is too much, and when she does something, well, reckless, or daring, it goes away.  For a bit at least.  That’s why she drank, and, at least I think that’s why she kissed me.  At this point, it’s hard to feel anything but resigned about wanting more with her, despite her being so close, literally as well as figuratively. It had been almost two months since it happened, and tonight, clearly, was a complete waste.   I chalk it up to desperation and a lengthy friendship that she’s willing to stay overnight.  To drown out my thoughts, I switch on the radio to a slow rock station and sing along quietly.  Three songs later and I arrive at my house, not surprised the lights are out.  Though my mum had stuck around earlier to see me off, she was off to visit Gemma at school because the weekend was convenient for the both of them.  Unfortunately for me, or I guess now fortunately because of Char’s rather obvious situation, they had planned the weekend before the date of prom was announced.  And before I had ever thought I would be going. 

I take the keys out of the ignition and realize I’ve got to get Charlotte into the house somehow without looking like something rather suspicious.  I settle for attempting to jostle her awake.

“Charlotte, wake up…I know you feel like, well rubbish probably, but you’ve got to get up.” I whisper all this slowly, despite knowing it will probably take more than a gentle prod to get her awake. “Char?” I try again, leaning across the seat in the dark, trying to see if she exhibits any movement at all.  It takes me a second too long to realize her eyes are fluttering open, and in my haste to move my face away from hers, I smack my head on the rearview mirror.  Perks of being freakishly tall, I guess.  I let out a hiss, rubbing the back of my head, and Charlotte’s eyes, illuminated by the streetlights, snap open, and she flinches a bit.

“You alright?” she manages with a weak grin, and heat creeps up my neck.  

“Fine, fine.  You good to go inside?”

“Yeah.” She stifles a nod, stretching a bit, and I can’t help but notice how her dress slides down becoming a bit more than revealing.  Nope, I definitely can help but notice.  I force myself to look away and thing reasonable thoughts.  “What?” She questions, and I look back at her.  She has her head cocked sideways, looking thoroughly confused, but I know as long as I keep my eyes locked on her face I should be fine.

“Nothing!” I say quite too cheerily and quickly for this time of night, but she doesn’t question me further.  With the crisis averted I go to help her out of the car, but she waves me off after pulling off her heels.  The short bit of sleep seems to have cleared her mind a bit, and for that I’m glad.

I unlock the front door, letting Charlotte pass me, and then shut it again.  With the lights off, the house becomes a bit eerie and I head to the kitchen to turn the lights on. 

Smart. (A Marcel / Harry Styles FanFiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora