Discussions and Repercussions via Phone

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<< Harry’s P.O.V.>>

“Harry are you really that STUPID?!?” Jess’s shrill voice blared out from my phone and I dropped it on my bed, wincing. 

“I know I know I’m a complete idiot! I get it!” I rubbed my temples, more frustrated with myself than the annoying lecture I was getting, “I don’t know what I was thinking.  I panicked and I’m sorry.  I was just—“.  I didn’t want to say it.  When I saw the dreary yellow flower in Char’s hand, I knew I had been too late.  It’s how it always was, and always would be.  Before I could continue beating myself up, Jess’s voice brought me back to Earth.

“Are you even listening Harry? I asked you what you were going to say.  You were just what?”

“Just nothing.” I muttered, mussing my hair and falling backwards onto my bed.

“You’re seriously going to play this game with me? I said I would go with you and everything even though Char is MY best friend too and she’ll probably hate me for this just because you couldn’t pick up the courage to SAY something.  God Harry! When will you ever stop being a coward and just step up!  Just TELL me and do something somewhat brave.  You know for someone so SMART you’re really quite dumb.”  Her words stung, but they rang true.  However, they made me angry enough to yell back at her.

“I was JEALOUS!  Did you ever think that Jess? I wasn’t going to admit I like her to have her HAVE to reject me because she had already said yes to Ben.  Besides, she did say yes to him, that has to mean something doesn’t it?” I paused to catch my breath, and my next statement came out quieter, almost a whisper.  “If you don’t want to go with me you don’t have to Jess.”  There was a long pause and I almost hung up the phone right there.

“Harry, of course I’m going with you.”  I sighed in relief; at least I wouldn’t be alone at what was bound to be a horrible dance. “As long as you promise me you’ll ask Char to dance.  She needs to know how you feel.”  My relief vanished.  Maybe I am a coward, but the confrontation involved in asking her to dance seemed like a lot to handle.  I shook my head, and realized if I really wanted this, I’d have to step up. 

“You know what? I will.”

“She doesn’t like Ben.”  Jess threw in, somewhat randomly.

“She could.  She said yes.”  I replied lamely.

“Only because she thought you and I kissed or something.”  I snorted and immediately felt bad.


“No I get it, it would be weird.  Ugh can we change the subject?”  Jess seemed very uncomfortable and I obliged.  Honestly, I had no idea what to talk about and I searched my brain for something to talk about.  It seemed like recently all I had been talking about or thinking about was teenage drama, and I hated it.  Before spring break, my whole world had been simpler and more straight-forward.  I had to admit it was nice when I did have positive moments with Charlotte.  But the negative moments, like today, seemed to overshadow everything else. 

“What color is your dress?”  I decided on a cliché, but safe topic: matching for Prom.  I zoned out as Jess rambled about how she didn’t know what color it was as she didn’t actually have a dress.  I chuckled lightly and she abruptly stopped talking. 

“Just plan on wearing black and white.” She snapped, but added, “Boys are so clueless.” 

“I forgive you Jess for snapping at me.” I replied cheekily, knowing she had meant the clueless comment as a somewhat apology. 

“Shut up, Harry.” She was laughing though, and I rolled my eyes as I heard the click of the phone meaning she had hung up.  Girls, I couldn’t do anything right with them could I? 

I sighed, somewhat melodramatically, and stiffened my resolve for what was bound to be a Prom filled with enough drama to fill three cheesy teen movies, with enough left over for a sitcom.

A/N:  Sorry guys this is so short, but I needed a filler chapter before the dramatic stuff!  Update will come soon!

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