Chapter 8 (edited)

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Katherine's P.O.V

 I take a deep breath and I head for the bus. It has just stopped and hardly anyone is inside. I find a seat after giving my ticket to the driver, and plop down. My head rests against the window as the wheels begin to churn. I watch as forest zooms by me and I sigh. "My father why am I going to you?"I whisper to no one but myself.

Soon we are in another town and the man driving calls the last stop. A handful of people, (including myself) pile out and I begin to search for an alley. The forest stops and town begins. It's strange that I haven't even heard of this town or ever seen it on a map. As I walk I gaze at the buildings, they are so different compared to the buildings in my hometown. And even though it's night the town has a "dark" sort-of feeling... I walk for a block or so until I find an alley in between the streets of San and Francisco. "Oh, Sadie. You clever girl," I think to myself, anyone would think that I was looking for San-Francisco Boulevard, not two different streets! I walk down the cold alley, using my phone as a flashlight. Soon I hit a wall of bricks, worn down and rustic. My fingers traced each brick, counting to the seventh. I hit it seven times with no pause in between. when my fingers hit the brick the last time, the wall began to tear apart revealing a spotless, white tunnel.

"Please enter," a robotic voice commands and I step in.

My motions must have activated something, for the doors behind me closed. I heard laughter and shouting up ahead. Then I heard them sing,

"Katherine, Katherine we'll finally see you again!....Katherine, Katherine we'll finally see you again!" I was surprised. Why were people shouting my name in proclamation? How did they know me? I raced to the room to have my questions answered. My muddy shoes squeaked and left traces as I sprinted down the immaculate hall. I burst into the room and there I saw him, with tears of laughter streaming down his cheeks. My father!

The laughter paused as everyone stared at me and I ran toward him; his arms were open and welcoming. But his touch was cold, and his movements jerky. I barely heard him whisper, "I have got you now" before his grip tightened and he pinned my arms to my sides. A sack was thrown over my head and my only thought was "Sadie has betrayed me."

I was taken down a long hallway, with many pauses and quick turns. My hands were tied and my steps staggered, though this did nothing to faze the almost robotic form of my father. I was stiffly shoved into a room and the sack was taken off of me. In front of me was the back of a large, black leather chair. As I waited a fuzzy, pearl white cat jumped from the lap of the sitter onto the floor and the chair began to move.

In the chair sat my two-faced father. I scowled at him and in return he asked, "You know I would never hurt you?"

"Yes, because shoving your daughter in a sack, and tying up their hands is not hurting them at all. It's just kidnapping," I snapped back with a mix of fear and annoyance in my voice.

His eyes showed amusement while his body showed anger. He tensed at my well-thought-out point and rammed his hand onto the desk in front of him.

"Well, if it calms you, Sadie is in the back room." as soon as he said the word 'Sadie', I looked up hopefully at him."You should go visit her some time. You may find her personality quite different and the only person she seems to ask for is Lucy Sanguine." I gaped at him, we would always make fun of Lucy. And Lucy would make me feel terrible, why would Sadie not ask for me?

My eyes must have shown hurt because my father's eyes softened a bit. "The Sadie you knew was nothing more than programming. This is the real version of Sadie Sanguine. Sadie Sunny is no more." My knees wavered and I felt dizzy. How could everything I knew about Sadie be wrong? Why of all people is she related to the very person that we together despised. Before I could finish my thought I was once again put into a sack. The last words my father called after me were, "Sit tight my Rapunzel. I know your prince will come." I didn't hear the last part but it was something about that "stupid" prince.

" I'm no damsel in distress. I don't need someone to save me." I mumbled to no one in particular as I was lead to who-knows-where.

The sack lifted after a bunch of twists and turns. I was sitting on an infirmary bed. Beside me sat Sadie. Except this Sadie looked at me in horror as if I would hit her any moment. I see she met my father.

I put out my hand and extended it to Sadie. "I am Katherine Debauchery. We used to be best friends. You told me to come here. Then you pulled something out of your leg and fainted." Wow, what an icebreaker!

She gazed at me alarmed. "So you know why I am part robot?" she asked. "My sister would know, where is she?"

I sighed defeated, "Lucy is back in town. We used to hate her you know? I am sorry, but I know nothing of your past." My hand still extended but, untouched quivered and I dropped it trying to hide how hurt she made me feel.

Sadie shivered and replied to me, "People have shown me pictures of us laughing and talking. I have not seen a picture though, with me and my family. How long has it been since the accident?"

I did not know what to say. I had no idea what accident she was talking about, so I told her the first thing that came to mind. "You're 16, and though I know nothing of an accident I can tell you we have been friends for 2 months now."

"The accident took place when I was 8. I was walking home from school..." Her voice trailed and the Sadie that was so down to earth gazed at the ceiling in a memory.

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