Chapter one: Broken money box

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Ok here is the first chapter please let me know what you think it mean a lot :)

On next chapter I leave authors note at the bottom of the story read away guys and I hope you like it


"James!" someone shouted at me.

I jolted awake opening my eyes to find my whole class’s eyes landing on me. My best friend Josh had his hand on my shoulder but he drew it back quickly as the teacher advanced on me.

I had started to make it a habit falling asleep in her class and ever since then she has hated me because I make her seem like a fool. Well, in her eyes I do.

Most classrooms are the same but this one seemed a little more feminine with pink posters over the walls. The desk’s unlike most other English schools I have been too, were separated. 

"How many times have I told you not to fall asleep in my class," she asked me.

"To be honest you never actually asked me not to fall asleep in your class.  You tell me off for it," I said to her.

My best friend Josh’s jaw dropped, which I spotted out the corner of my eye which made me grin a little but it vanished as my teacher banged her hand on my desk, causing me to jump.

I looked at her for a second while she just stared at me. "Detention tonight Mr Leads. Do not be late."

I watched as she turned around and headed back towards her desk as Josh punched me in the arm and grinned. "Lisa gonna be pissed."

"Oh come on it's a detention she must know me by now," I whispered to him.

"Mr Adams you will join Mr Leads in detention. I do hope you like cleaning desks."

We both hadn't been paying much attention to her so we both turned towards the front only to find her standing inches away from us. We both had leaned towards each other but moved back quickly as we found her frowning at both of us.

"Sorry," we both said quietly.

"Next time I will send you both to the headmaster’s office. Now as  I was saying now that we are half way through year ten you need to start thinking about exams coming up," she continued.

I was half listening as Josh passed me a note which I quickly took and began to read inside my head. I really hate this class. I really hate this school. Why do u think our parents sent us here?

I held back a laugh; put a smirk in Josh’s direction before I wrote on the piece of paper. Probably the way we learn or behave. We misbehave and that's why they sent us here most likley. Josh u can be such an idiot too. I am only joking with u.

I crushed the piece of paper in my hand before I chucked it onto Josh’s desk before putting my attention back to Mrs Aarons.

Josh for as long as I can remember has this weird idea that passing notes makes you look like a bad boy. To me I think it makes us look like little girls passing notes about boyfriends but I had never actually told him this.

I have known Josh ever since we started school in Primary and even after the arguments we have had, the other friends which could have took the place of my best friend or his, we were friends still all these years later.

Even though Josh does have a few weird habits they were only with me. When he spent time with his football team or in his eyes, his boys he never showed any of the habits.

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