Chapter Eight: Deep within my heart forever

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As I took the weight of my father and brought him into the front room after closing the door I was already covered in fresh hot blood all over my school uniform as well as my hands. I placed him onto the sofa looking at him not knowing what to do or what to think.

I had not seen my father in a year and now he is right in front of me, dying. Did I care? I couldn’t think straight right now and this was the last thing I needed.

“What are you doing here?” I asked him.

“I came to see you,” he said to me.

“Why would you do that?”

“I know you have every right to hate me but I know I screwed up. I know I am excepting a lot from you but can you just give me a chance,” he said.

“I let you in,” I said.

“Oh suppose you are right,” he said.

“How did this happen?” I asked as I reached for the phone to ring an ambulance.

“No, don’t phone anyone. I must tell you something my boy and you must listen,” he said.

“I’m listening but I’m not your boy. How did you know I was in?” I asked him.

“I know the future my son. I know what is going to happen. I have to tell you something that you will not believe but you must as it will be the only thing to keep you alive,” he said.

I looked at my father that day thinking he had lost it. I thought my father had done something so crazy he had coursed himself or someone had made him go completely mad and I had no idea what to do.

“Did you bump your head when this happened?” I asked him.

My father gripped onto my arm tightly looking directly into my eyes. “I was attacked as I came back from the future and I planned to stay here and they believed I was going to tell you something they wish me not to tell you. They left me to die but I found the energy to get here. I want you to know that time travel is real. Time travel can be done and I want you to know that my research was not a waste of time. I want you to know that I am sorry for what I did to you, your mother and your two brothers and your two sisters. I can’t change what I did even if I wanted to. Time travel is something I should have never done and because I now have meddled they will insure I die. I love you I needed you to know that,” he said as he moved his hand from my arm and stroked my check before he brought me into a huge hug and kissed me on the cheek.

“I don’t understand what is going on,” I said confused.

“Just know James I will always be proud of you and I will always love you,” he smiled as began to cough violently.

“Father,” I said concerned. After this whole year I thought I had finally got over that I would never see my father again and that he would never return but now I’m not so sure. Being in this situation with my father dying in front of me killed me inside. It hurt more than I thought it ever would. It felt like I had just got my father back and now he was going again but this time forever.

“Why can’t I take you to the hospital,” I begged him reaching for the phone again.

“No, I need them to know I am dead. I need them to know that their secret is safe. I need them to not come after you. You have enough trouble as it is and them coming after you will destroy your life ahead of you. Trust in your heart my son and put all the clues together, that will be the only thing to insure you end up with what you want. Don’t give up and don’t let other people tell you what you or someone else should think. Your strong and you will pull through because I’ve seen it,” he smiled at me.

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