Chapter Thirteen: Paul helps

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My mouth opened when the man took me to a different part of the castle and he got a nurse to look at my hand. I wonder if he would get in trouble for doing this. I can’t understand how the king and queen would have known about my hand since it didn’t happen until I was in the cell.

“Why did you do that?” I heard a voice from behind me. I turned to find Crystal standing at the door. I didn’t know what to say, I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to tell her the unspoken words. I love you; I need you why can’t you see. I don’t blame her though it’s her parents. She loves me back I know it.

“It’s what you do when your heart is breaking inside,” I said quietly.

“I am sorry, James. I didn’t want this. I just wish it can be different but there right. Our love can never be. Not for just our sack for everyone’s. We can destroy time its self. Your father knew that,” said Crystal.

“If my father knew that then why did he risk everything to tell me the future? Why did he tell me to not let other’s tell me what to think? We can be together and no one can tell us otherwise. I LOVE YOU! I shouted at her as I got to my feet and stormed passed her out into the corridor.

“Take me back to the cell,” I said harshly to the man. He looked at me in shock. I took my chance and kicked him between his legs. He crashed to the floor and I ran for it. I didn’t stop till I arrived in a part of the castle I had not been within yet. I knew why as I reached one room in particular.

On the door it stated in big black letter’s my father’s name.

DANIEL JAMES LEADS, Time travel manager.

I took the handle up and to my surprise it opened. I stepped inside and turned the light on. My mouth dropped open. Everything part of the room is different but amazing. Machines are set throughout the room but also I spotted the photos hanging on the walls. I went over to the desk to find a diary sitting on it.

I snatched it up and sat down on the only chair that didn’t have anything on it and began to read the last entry.

Dear Diary,

I miss them all. I miss James the most. I thought I miss my wife more but some reason I miss James more. He is my middle son but he has always kept a place within my heart. I will somehow allow him to know the truth. I know what I have to do now. I’ve seen the future and if I get this right James will have a good future ahead of him in the end.

He’ll have to struggle the same as I have but I have found peace within my heart because I am going to return to my home, my family for one last time. My life is coming to its end but as long as I tell James before I die I will die happy. I don’t expect him to forgive me, just to listen.

I bet no one will read this but who knows maybe someone will someday and think maybe understand my reasons. Time travel was my destiny I believe that and my son has a destiny too and I hope for him to fulfil it.

Loving you always, you mean everything to me and I am sorry.

Remember me always

Daniel xxxxx

I felt a tear drop down my face. I ripped the last entry out and crushed it so it would fit in my jeans. I looked around for a little while longer and I found a necklace which belonged to my dad. I stuck it around my neck as the memory of my dad’s body next to me on the sofa with all that blood. I tried to forget it but it stayed clear in my mind.

No.....why did this have to happen?

I turned around to find Paul standing in the door. I backed away little not trusting him. “If you come with me I will keep this a secret,” said Paul.

“Why would you do that?” I asked him.

“My sister loves you and what my parents have said I disagree with too. I fell in love with someone from the future and they forbid me to be with her. I know how it feels and I don’t think I can allow that to happen to my sister and you don’t deserve it too. I’ve got a plan but you are going to have to trust me. If you do, you will be able to be with my sister,” smiled Paul.

“I don’t think I can,” I began.

“What is the worst to happen? Put faith in me,” smiled Paul. I nodded to him and followed him out the room.

Maybe I am foolish.

Maybe Paul did it just to get me back in the cell but I trust him for some reason. I always knew I had a connection with Crystal and something with Paul too. As much as I and Paul had found it hard to get on I still knew he cared in some way. What he had said to me it felt like he was speaking to me from his heart.

I just hope my faith in him comes through. I lay down on the ground and closed my eyes. I hadn’t slept for ages and I was beginning to feel the strain. As I drifted off to sleep I thought of my family back at home.

Are they missing me? I wonder what they think has happened?

“James,” I heard my name being whispered. I opened my eyes to find Paul next to me.

“Come with me quickly. We don’t have much time. Crystal is just outside,” said Paul. I got to my feet and followed him out the cell. He locked it behind us and we headed towards the other door with the finger print.

Once we got to the other side Crystal chucked herself into my arms and she kissed me on the lips. “I love you, I always did. I am sorry for what I said. I never wanted to break your heart. I still believe we can be together too,” she grinned as she took my hand.

“We got to get going,” said Paul.

We followed Paul as quickly as we could and we walked into a fast sprint. We didn’t stop till we got to my father’s room. Paul entered first and Crystal and I followed in close behind him but we forgot to close the door.

“You need to give me a few minutes,” spoke Paul as he began to do stuff to certain machines. I sighed wondering what he was doing but Crystal took my mind of it as she began to kiss me. After a couple of minutes Crystal and I split apart.

I looked over at the door to notice it closed. “Paul did you close the door,” I asked him as I turned to face him to get grabbed by someone. I couldn’t see their face or who it was but moments later I passed out.


As I said this coming to a close and therefore I will update this as quickly as i can so I can finish it. Once i have it give me more time to write all my other ones :)

I hope you enjoyed this :P

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