Chapter Seven: Expelled

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I ran out my front door slamming it behind me in a rush and hearing my mother’s voice shouting at me but I ignored it as I ran down the pavement flying the gate open and running to the bus. I rushed on out of breath and the bus driver looked at me with a grin across his face.

“Late this morning James I see,” he laughed.

“You could say that,” I said as I headed down the bus to look where I could sit. Josh and Lisa were sitting next to each other which I found a little odd but what was stranger was I found Paul sitting at the front of the bus and Crystal sitting half way down the bus on her own.

I sat down behind Crystal wondering if she would notice. As the bus began to move Crystal turned around and smiled pleasantly at me and I smiled back. We shared this special connection together before she spoke.

“How are you today?” she asked.

“I'm good, what about you. Why are you not sitting next to Paul?” I asked.

“I'm good. Paul knows about me staying at yours for dinner and now he is annoyed with me and you. I sometimes don’t understand what his problem is,” sighed Crystal.

“He’ll come around, right?”

“I hope he does,” said Crystal.

“Do you know why Josh and Lisa are sitting next to each other?”

“I think they sat next to each other because you weren’t coming,” said Crystal.

“Oh right, that makes sense,” I smiled.

“I hope you haven’t forgotten what your mother said on Saturday,” said Crystal.

“What did she say again?”

“She said that you will show me your baby pictures tonight. I hope you got them out the cellar,” laughed Crystal.

“I completely forgot to do that,” I said holding back a grin.

“Well we'll just both have to go in the cellar after school then,” said Crystal.

“The cellar has spiders and ghosts,” I laughed.

“I'm not scared of spiders and I’ll go down there if you scared. Poor little baby,” giggled Crystal as she squeezed my cheek.

“I’m not scared,” I said pulling her hand away but blushing as I noticed I was still holding it. I went to let go but Crystal wouldn’t let me.

“Don’t let go,” she said softly to me which made me blush even more. Why was it when I was with Crystal it felt special, it felt real. Why was I feeling this way? If anything happened, I would go back on everything I have said about love.

In the end it would hurt my heart so why did I continue to allow these feelings to remain within my heart? Maybe it was because it seemed impossible to get rid of them or the fact that I was beginning to understand what love really is.

I didn’t let go of Crystal’s hand until the bus stopped at school and we had to get up. I let Crystal go first and I waited for Josh and Lisa to come passed and I joined them. “Hey, how are you guys,” I said.

“I'm good,” smiled Josh.

“My parents decided I can stay at the school. They said they trust you to look out for me. Did you speak to my parents?” she asked me.

“No, when would I have done that. I’ve been so busy,” I said trying to hold back my grin.

“You did do it James. I can see it written all over your face,” said Lisa.

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