Chapter Fourteen: For now it seems it will always be a Forbidden love

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I felt sick and cold. I tried to figure out where I am or what is going on without opening my eyes. In the end I couldn’t figure out anything. I found it hard to feel anything. I opened my eyes slowly revealing darkness. I sat up to find I had chains tying me to the bars of the cell and I noticed this to be a different cell than I had been in before.

Did this mean Paul’s plan had failed and my only chance of being with Crystal is over? I didn’t like this one little bit. I had hardly any room to move before the chains pulled me back. I cursed out loud trying to get rid of some of my anger boiling up inside of me.

This couldn’t get any worse. I spoke to soon as I had to face the corner and be sick. Finally after it felt like hours I stopped. Why am I feeling so crap? Why am I here? I hope Paul and Crystal are not in too much trouble.

As I sat alone in the cell I began to think of life back home and how much I was beginning to miss my family. I couldn’t even try and get my dad’s letter out as I’m chained up.

“I can’t believe our own son and daughter,” I heard someone’s voice. It sounds like the queen.

Not a moment too soon in walked the queen with the king walking towards the cell. They opened it with their finger print and came inside. They noticed the sick in the corner and they looked like they were going to be sick themselves.

“You have been trouble since you have arrived here,” spoke the queen.

“And made our child go against us,” said the king.

“I didn’t ask Paul to help me and I can’t help how I feel about Crystal and neither can she help how she feels about me,” I said annoyed.

“We didn’t ask you to talk. We don’t see any way of you being with Crystal,” said the queen.

“Why can’t we just try,” I begged them.

“You’re going home tonight if you like it or not,” said the king.

“You can’t do this to me. I am begging you. I love Crystal. I can’t survive without her.”

“We are truly sorry, James.”I looked at them and turned my head away.

“Crystal will never forgive you,” I said.


“Goodbye,” whispered Crystal as she brought me into a huge hug and kissed me on the lips.

“I’ll never forget you,” I told her.

“Me either. I know you will find someone better than I am someday.”

“No one will be able to be like you, Crystal. I love you because your one of a kind,” I grinned.

Crystal blushed. “I’ll never feel this way about anyone either, again. Your too special,” she leaned over and whispered in my ear.

“It’s time for him to go,” said the king.

Crystal kissed me one last time before she backed away. I smiled at her to be strong but deep inside I am dying. I nodded to Paul before I did the same for the queen and the king. I closed my eyes.......

“Where did you find him?” I heard the familiar voice of my mother. I am home?

“In the park, he must have been there all night. He looked out cold, maybe he passed out. He has been in the cold and rain so he needs to be put to bed with a hot water bottle and something hot to eat. He may need tomorrow off. I can send a doctor round,” I heard a woman say.

I opened my eyes just so slightly to notice the woman is a police officer. I sighed and closed my eyes again and I fell back to sleep. The second time I came around my mother had a hot cloth on my head and I felt a hot water bottle under my covers. My mother sat beside my bed on a chair and a tray of soup sat on my bedside table.

“Oh honey it’s so good to see you awake,” my mother said softly to me.

“You aren’t angry at me?” I asked her.

“No why would I be. You where only gone the night and it wasn’t your fault,” she smiled. Only one night I guess that is what time travel does. It can send you back whenever it wants if you know how to do it.

I sat up and my mother gave me the tray of food. “Why are you not at work?” I asked her.

“I took yesterday and today off. I had to make sure you are safe. You are more important to me then my work,” she said.

“I hope you don’t lose it because of me,” I said sadly.

“I won’t.”

“ you believe in time travel?” I asked her.

“What?” she asked.

“It’s nothing.”

“If you’re sure, I’ll be down stairs you eat and get some rest. You need it,” she smiled before she left my room.

I’m back home.

No more Crystal and Paul.

No more time travel.

It will take me a long time to get over Crystal but maybe one day I’ll see her again. Maybe one day I’ll be able to be with her but for now it seems like it will always be a Forbidden love.


Ok i didn't know this would be the last chapter but it is XD.

I do hope you enjoyed this story as much as I have loved writting it. Its my first orginal story that i've managed to complete and upload onto wattpad  hehe.

Any votes or feedback would mean a lot as this is the last chapter thanks guys

I know its not a happy ending sorry about that however as I wrote this i had considered a happy ending but i decided against that.

I am not promising any thing but maybe in the future you will see a sequel to this.

I'll only do it if its worth it and i have the time

But for now i say goodbye to James :)

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