Chapter three: I broke

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“Get your ass out of bed now James!”

My eyes shot open to find my bedroom door wide open. Had no one heard of privacy, clearly not? I pulled off my covers and climbed out of bed half asleep as Tiffany came into my room, holding Jane.

“Oh now you decide to get up after I had to wake Jane up. Oh well here you go,” said Tiffany as she gave Jane to me and walked back into her room opposite mine and slammed the door behind her.

“Why does she get away with murder?” I asked Jane pointlessly, I wasn’t going to get an answer.

Tiffany for as long as I can remember does what she wants, when she wants and gets away with it. I always tried to make my mother proud and keep our family going but Tiffany never helped in anyway.

I picked up the empty cup I had left in my room and chucked it at her door. I watched as it smacked into her door and pounced off just as Conner came out from his room to the left side of me and the cup landed near his feet.

Conner looked down at the cup before he picked it up and entered my room frowning. “Chucking a cup at her door isn't going to get her to change, even if I wish it did,” he said before he handed me the cup back and went to the bathroom. I slumped onto my bed as I heard Conner lock the bathroom door.

“I love you,” Jane managed to say to me. I looked at her before I smiled at her. “I love you too Jane.”

I went into my mother’s room quietly as I knew she would still be sleeping as she would have only got in a little while ago. I got some clothes out for Jane to wear today and her baby bag before I left the room.

I went into my room closing the door and locking it so no one would come in while I was getting changed and dressing Jane.

It took me around fifteen minutes to get myself and Jane ready leaving about half hour to print my essay of, eat breakfast and drop Jane off before the school bus would arrive outside the house.

I switched my laptop on and my printer before I grabbed a toy for Jane to play with to keep her busy. I rushed back over to my laptop and typed in my password before clicking enter. I sat there waiting for the laptop to load up when someone knocked on my door.

I ran over to my bed and started chucking my school stuff into my rucksack before I went over to the door and unlocked it before opening it to find Jerrod in front of me.

“Jerrod I’m really busy,” I said but adding on, “So can you make it quick,”

“I know James but I really need your help, I think I may have hurt Conner a little too hard this time,” said Jerrod with his face telling me everything, like it usually did.  He must have hurt Conner and by what he just told me, a lot worse than normal.

“Keep an eye on Jane and if you wouldn’t mind can you print my essay off you will find it in my documents,” I said as I rushed out my room and turned left before walking straight into Conner’s room to find him on the floor holding his arm.

I ran over to him and knelled down beside him. “Conner I am just going to move it and tell me if it hurts a lot, in the middle or not much,” I said to him.

He nodded to me, clearing not wanting to say anything right now. I slowly began to move Conner’s wrist but as I expected Conner screamed out in pain.

“Conner don't  worry, you don't need to answer. I think it may be broken, so I’m going to have to take you to the hospital. Jerrod once you printed that off I need you to take Jane to Lee’s house and after that make sure mum knows why Conner and I'm not going to be in school for the morning at least!” I shouted as I helped Conner to his feet.

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