Chapter Nine: I'm not going to give up!

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I lay on my bed with Crystal next to me with our hands locked together looking up at my ceiling which has a picture of one of my favourite bands, Paramore.

“I have no idea what my brother is going to say when he finds out,” said Crystal as she sat up and let go of my hand.

“Does it really matter....what are you going?” I asked puzzled.

“It’s getting late. I have to go,” said Crystal as she got up from my bed and headed towards the door and I followed slowly feeling disappointed.

Crystal stopped at the door looking at me. “I’ll come around tomorrow after school, I promise. James....I love you,” she said as she leaned in and kissed me on the lips. As she walked away I watched in some kind of trance.

“I love you too,” I managed to say.


The last thing you expect once you start dating someone is for that person to completely ignore you the following day. I have texted Crystal at least five times and I haven’t even had one reply. What is up with Crystal?

I heard Jane crying up stairs. I had left her in bed to sleep but maybe she isn’t tired. Since I am not back to school until Monday my mum asked me to look after Jane today. My sister and two brothers have gone back to school and my mum’s at work. It’s so boring here right now.

I headed up the stairs, well more like dragging myself up them. I hardly got any sleep last night. I guess that is what hormones do to you, at this age. As I reached the landing my phone went off. I shoved my hand into my pocket and pulled it out to find a text message. It is from....Josh.

I felt my face drop with disappointment. I put my phone back in my pocket ignoring the text knowing I could go back to it later after I sort out Jane. If it had been Crystal, it would have been different. I even ask myself why it would be but I knew the answer deep down inside of me. I may have denied love before but it is clear I have found love, somehow.

I went into my mother’s room to find Jane in her cot crying. I went over to the cot and picked her up. “What is the matter,” I said as I gave her a cuddle. “James,” was all she said.

“Not tired I see. Come down stairs with me then,” I said to her as I headed back towards the door. The time I got down stairs I felt like I was going to collapse. I shook it of knowing I had Jane to look after. As I sat down on the sofa and put the TV on I couldn’t help but remember four days ago.

It had only been four days since my father’s death. It still hurt, it still made my heart ache when I even thought about it but Crystal had somehow healed it in some way. Knowing I have Crystal who loves me and cares it doesn’t seem to hurt as much.

I just wish she would text me back; I can’t take her not replying. I need her to text me right now!


I had got a text from Crystal; I didn’t like what it said though. After hours of me worrying and wondering why she is ignoring me this was the text I got.

Crystal: We need to talk.

Meet me at the park at four o’clock.

That is it, no I love you or sorry for not texting you. I’m really annoyed right now but at least she wants to see me, I just hope everything is ok.

Its nearly four o’clock now and I’m nearly there. As I approached the park I spotted Crystal but also her brother Paul standing need the swings.

What the hell is he doing here?

I cleared my mind as I reached them. I looked from one to the other before my eyes landed on Crystal. “What’s wrong?” I asked concerned.

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