Jude's First Day

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Chapter Two

It was seven in the morning and my first day alone with Jude, he wasn't trouble and just like Heidi said, he was a tamed cat. I just sat here drinking my coffee and watched how he moved throughout my apartment as if it was his home. It should bother me that he became so at home, but it didn't.

For the last thirty minutes he has been looking at his food, quite obvious he didn't like it. I didn't blame him that shit was disgusting and I sure as hell wouldn't feed it to any pet of mine. "That's some pretty gross stuff huh?" He turned his head and meowed at me.

I hadn't actually expected he would turn around or even acknowledge me. He stared at me with those beautiful blue eyes, they just were so human like and almost like I have seen them before. "I bet you would like some scrambled eggs and sausage instead huh?" he walked over to me and meowed. I chuckled as he hung onto my pant leg, I bet he was happy to spend his time here. "Ok Jude, one scrambled eggs and sausage coming up." I finished my coffee and went to making us breakfast.

He sat on the stool with his little paws on the counter and watched me cook, to how he got up there was beyond me. I grabbed two plates and served us both, then I grabbed a small bowl and poured milk. I placed the bowl in front of Jude, he looked at it and started to lap up the milk. I was guessing Heidi has never given him milk before, he finished it pretty quick.

I cut up his food into smaller bites before I poured him some more milk. I placed his plate of food in front of him and he wasted no time. He ate like it was the first time he had seen food in days. It made me wonder just how much of this crap Heidi gave him, did he even bother to eat. "Now that's what you call real food right?" I asked as I sat in the stool next to him.

He stopped eating and looked up at me as he licked around his mouth. He meowed and rubbed his head against my arm. I was going to take that as a yes, he went back to eating and only stopping every so often to drink some milk. I had a feeling I was going to end up fatten this cat by the time Heidi comes back for him.

He finished long before I did and sat on the stool until I was done. I picked up his plate and bowl, he watched as I rinsed them off and placed them into the dishwasher. I turned back around and Jude was still in the same place, he just sat there watching me.

I looked at the clock and saw it was time I left for work. I picked him up off the stool and walked back to my living room. "Ok Jude I will be back later, be good." I placed him next to his bed, he meowed at me before curling up in the bed. I looked back to the sorry excuse of food Heidi had for him, I really didn't want him to have to eat that. I grabbed some cold cooked chicken breast and chopped it up. Jude lifted up his head as I picked up his bowls and threw the contents into the garbage. I placed the chopped chicken into his bowel and refilled his water.

"Ok Jude I'll leave you this for lunch and bring you something good for dinner, this crap that Heidi gives you is not good. See you later," I yelled to him as I walked out my door. I closed the door, I was losing my mind. Not even one full day with him and I was talking to him as if he was a person. What was even scarier, I was actually liking having him around.

"So how is the cat sitting going?" Karina asked as we rode the elevator to our office floor.

"It's not bad actually, just feel sorry for the little guy."

"Why because he is stuck with you for a week?" She laughed as I rolled my eyes.

"No, I had given him the food Heidi left for him and he just stared at it for thirty minutes. So I threw it away and make him some scrambled eggs and sausage."

"Sounds like your spoiling this cat, and you're the guy that claims he hated cats." It was a good thing I left out about leave him chicken for lunch.

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