My One and Only Love

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Chapter Twelve

I woke up to something soft rubbing against me, my eyes fluttered open. It was Jude, he was sitting on my chest. The first thing that popped into my head, was that we failed and Toby was turned back into a cat.

I looked around to see I was back in my room, but how was that possible. The last thing I remember was going in and out of conscience as the EMT's work on me. I could have sworn that I saw Toby's face before I passed out.

I looked back at Jude, he just stared at me. I failed him, I had told him I would make sure he was never turned back into a cat. Now here he was back as Jude. “I'm sorry that I failed you Toby, now you’re stuck as a cat forever.”

He rubbed his face against my chest again, “I'm not a cat. None of this is real Declan, wake up.”

“Holy shit you can talk now?” I said as I reached out to touch him, but couldn't bring my arm up.

He moved closer to me and placed his paw on my cheek, “Declan you need to wake up.” over and over as he patted my cheek with his paw. “It's just a dream and you need to wake up.” he kept say, his voice starting to slowly fade.

Beeping replaced his voice, followed by distance voices and movement. I opened my eyes, I looked around the room. I was in the hospital and I looked to mu side to see Toby asleep in the chair next to my bed. He was holding onto my hand, I let out a sigh of relief.

Things were ok and everything had worked out. I gave Toby's hand a gentle squeeze, he stirred in the chair. He opened his eyes and stared at me before he smiled. “Your finally awake, you have been out for the last two weeks.”

“What for real?” he chuckled.

“No it's only been a few hours, you lost a lot of blood.” He grabbed my hand with both of his and smiled as he rubbed his thumb against it. “I was so worried you weren’t going to make it, that I was going to lose you before we had a chance of being together.” a single tear rolled down his cheek.

“Hey, it’s going to take more than a psycho to keep me from you. Whether you like it or not you’re stuck with me.” I smiled and he chuckled.

“Good, I wouldn’t want anyone else but you.”

“There isn’t anyone else right?”

“No, you’re the only one.” He leaned in closer and kissed me.

“That’s good to know, would hate to know all this was for nothing.” He chuckled. “So tell me, will this earn me enough brownie points with your dad?”

“If this doesn’t win him over, I really don’t know what would. You saved me from spending the rest of my life as a cat and you saved me from being killed. If that’s not enough for him, then so be it because it’s more than enough for me. It’s not every day a guy does that for you.” He leaned in closer to kiss me, but the door opened and he pulled back.

Heidi walked into the room and dropped her purse on the chair. “Oh my god Declan! I came as soon as I found out what happened.” she pushed Toby out of the way and leaned down to kiss me, but I turned my face from her. “Baby why are you acting that way?”

I looked at her dumbfound, was she kidding me? “Are you kidding me right now? Did you forget you cheated on me, god knows how many times or even how long you have been cheating on me?”

“But baby it was just to get a movie role, it meant nothing.” she said as she tried to touch me again. “And I love you.”

“Don't touch me, you disgust me. First of all, you tell me that you don't want to sleep with me because you like to get to know the guy first. That you want a relationship about love not sex, but you turn around and sleep with random guys just to get movies roles! That makes you a cheating whore!”

“But baby I didn't sleep with you because I love, I didn't want to ruin a good thing with sex.” she reached out to touch my face, but I pushed her hand away. “Baby don’t be like that.”

“Oh my god how stupid do you think I am?” I shouted at her.

“Baby I don’t think you’re stupid. I really mean it, I love you baby.” I laughed dryly at her, god she was unbelievable. Think she could stand there and play me a fool, well she was sadly mistaken.

“You know I almost died today and it all was to protect the one I love and it wasn't for you.” Her face dropped. “Like I told you at the club it’s over between us, so just take your cheating ass out of here and I never want to see you again.”

“Declan, baby don’t throw away what we had,” she tried to hold my hand but I pulled it away from her.

“Me! You’re telling me not to throw away what we had? You’re the one that threw it away! Just get out of here, the very sight of you makes me want to gag.” She stood her ground, god what was it going to take to get rid of her?

“He said he doesn’t want you here, so why don’t you just leave before we have security escort you out.” Toby said as he stood on my side and grabbed my hand.

She looked at us, “What the hell is this?”

“This is Toby, the one I love.” he smiled sweetly at her.

“You’re replacing me with a guy, you're fucking replacing me with a guy!” she shouted.

“Yes I am, so now you don’t have to feel bad about being on your back to land movies roles. It’s over and now you can leave because there is nothing left between us. You ruined that, not me.”

“Ugh you’re such an asshole!” she yelled and picked up her purse from the chair. “I still want my cat back asshole!” She yelled as she walked out of the room. 

“Well she isn’t going to be able to get her cat back, no way in hell am I going back to being a cat.” Toby said, I chuckled.

“Didn’t almost die to keep that from happening.” He smiled at me. The door opened and we turned to see who it was. God I really hoped it was Heidi again.

“You know she is quite an unpleasant person and if you had listen to be in the beginning, none of this would have happened.” Karina said as she walked into the room.

“True but then I would have never met Toby.” I smiled at him.

“Well I guess something good always does come out of a terrible situation.” I nodded my head, “So how are you feeling after almost being killed by a psycho?”  

“Like crap, but lucky to be alive thanks to you two.”

“Well it’s hard to find a best friend that knows you like the back of their hand. Plus you know the whole part about having to be nice first.” I chuckled.

“Yes being nice hasn’t always been your strong suit.” She rolled her eyes at me.

“So Toby are you ready to go back home?”

“As ready as I will ever be, just sad that Declan doesn’t get to come with me, but it will give me a chance to tell my dad about him.”

“Yeah and let’s hope he likes me.”

“He will, you almost died trying to save Toby, he would have to be a jerk not to like you for doing that.” Karina added and Toby nodded his head.

Now all that was left was for Toby to go home and be reunited with his family. It was going to be an emotional one, but a happy one as well and hoped it all worked out for us. 

Next chapter Toby's POV

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