Be with You

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Chapter Eighteen

I was finally feeling back to my old self, everything was going great with work and Toby finally figured out what he wanted to do. It has also been three months since we started dating and we have been taking things slow.

I didn't want to mess things up with Toby and I was willing to take it as slow as he wanted. I was in no hurry because we had forever together. "Declan look at this!" Toby yelled from the living room, I stood behind the couch at looked at the TV. "They are finally talking about Clayton."

"After months of investigating, Clayton Myer had indeed had a deal with the mob that had gone sour. It was also revealed that he was behind the car crash that claimed the lives of Lucia and Tyler Bennett. The wife and son of Tobias Bennett Sr., CEO of Bennett software." We sat there and watched the news, they showed everything Clayton had been involved with. Most of the stuff I knew from Toby's dad, but not the part about Curtis and Sienna being involved as well. Now it was clear why he had kept them around for so long. "Later on we will be talking to Stanley Myer, he is the nephew of Clayton." I turned off the TV, I wasn't about to heard what lame bullshit Stanley had to say.

"Wow, that's just so wow." Toby said as he shook his head. He knew about Clayton being behind his mom and brother's death but I guess them saying it just made it all that real. "You know it just gets to me that he kind of got away with everything."

"I know, but it's all over and we don't have to ever see him again." I placed my arm around him and he rested his head on my chest. He was still having a hard time going out in public without people asking where he had been for the past year. "Now there isn't anything to worry about."

"True, you know I hated that my dad had paid off Stanley to stay quiet about what Clayton had done to me, but glad he did. God knows how long it's would have been before I could go out in public. It's bad enough people don't seem to believe I just wanted to get away for everything."

"True and knowing Stanley he would jump on the chance to just be on TV. I mean look at how easily it is for him to blast his uncle on TV." I ran my fingers through his hair. "You know what I was thinking?"

"What," he curled up closer to me.

"Just that Stanley must be desperate for money if he is willing to air out his uncle's dirty laundry. I guess he isn't that great of a model, always thought he was a major dumbass, too dumb to even be a model." Toby chuckled.

"Yes and he was always such a summer eve, I even still feel dumb for ever going out with him."

"Yup wait what?" I looked at him confused, what the heck was a summer eve?


"What's a summer eve?" I asked, his cheeks started to blush.

"You know the stuff that women use to freshen up down there," he pointed to down to his crotch. "It's a brand for that stuff they use." I thought about what he was talking about until if finally clicked in my head.

"Oh you mean a douche!" Toby covered his face and nodded his head. "Are you blushing because I said douche?" he nodded his head again and I laughed. "Oh my god aren't you adorable!"

"Ugh shut up, I just have never been able to say that word." I laughed again.

"Why, it's just a word."

"Ugh shut up Declan and it just sounds so dirty okay!" I kissed the top of his head, "You're going to tease me about this forever aren't you?"

"No just until I can get you to say it, because not everyone is going to get what summer eve is. Come on it's not even that bad of a word!" I chuckled as he shook his head.

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