Dinner with the Family

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*Yes, Yes I know I totally suck for taking so long! Go ahead and yell at me, i'm trying harder to update more. Well enjoy!

Chapter Sixteen (Toby’s POV)

        Okay mom where do you want to eat for dinner?” Declan asked him mom. I was having fun getting to know her, I can see where Declan gets everything from.

        “Oh I don’t know, Toby what’s good here?”

        “Well first off what are you in the mood for?

        “Well I would say Mexican, but I always have that back home. So how about,” she scrunched up her nose as she tapped her finger on her chin. “Oh I know!” she yelled excitedly. “Korean BBQ I have always wanted to try one but I can never get anyone to go with me.”

        “Great I know a good one, it’s my family’s favorite one to go to.”

        “Great and you should invite them as well, I would love to meet your family.”

            “Um yeah sure, let me call and see if they would join us.” I went into the bedroom and called my dad to see if he and Tabby would like to join us.

        “Hey Toby,” my dad said, “What can I do for you?”

        “I was wondering if you and Tabby are free to join us for dinner.”

        “Yes we are, where are we eating?”

        “Genwa Korean BBQ, Declan’s mom wanted to try Korean BBQ.”

        “Ah already meeting the future mother-in-law,” I blushed.

        “Dad stop it,” he chuckled.

        “I’m just teasing son, anyway it’s the truth isn’t? You two do plan on being together forever.”

        “Well yeah but we have only been together for barely two months. So talking about marriage is a little bit too soon to bring up.”

        “If its love, it’s never too early. By my third date with your mother I already knew she was the one. She thought I was crazy for proposing to her on our fifth date, but that didn’t stop her from saying yes.” I smiled, I hoped that was going to be the love Declan and I have.

        “Well I guess you’re right.”

        “Of course I’m right, I’m your father.”

        “Okay sure dad, well we will meet you and Tabby at the restaurant.” He chuckled.

        “Okay we will see you soon.” I went back to the living room, Karina and Josh were there already. Declan saw me first and smiled, he walked over to me.

        “So are they free to join us?” he asked as he put his arm around me.

        “Yes and they are going to meet us there.”

        “Okay well let’s go.”

        We got to the restaurant and my dad and sister were there already. I noticed a tall blonde haired girl standing next to Tabby that had to be her girlfriend Jade.

        “Toby!” Tabby yelled as she ran over to us, she hugged me. My dad and the girl followed behind her. “I want you to finally meet Jade,” she grabbed her hand. “Jade this is Toby and Declan.”

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