Love's a Bitch

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Chapter Six

       I came out of the bathroom and found Jude moping on the bed. Jude wasn’t happy about me going out, I didn’t blame him. I did promise him that we would spend the whole weekend together and now I was ditching him. He laid on my bed and watched me get ready, I was debating which shirt to wear. I placed them on the bed in front of Jude.

       “Ok Jude I know you’re mad at me, but which shirt would look better on me?” He meowed as he got up and stretched out his body. He sat back down and looked at the shirts, he looked back and forth at the two shirts. He meowed and put his paw on the dark blue V-neck sweater over a button down white shirt. “Really that one?” he meowed and put his paw on it again. It was a gift from Heidi, but I never wore it because I had never liked the whole V-neck sweater. It was a look I could never pull off, I looked at and then at the olive green fitted dress shirt.

      “I think I would look better in this Jude.” I said as I pointed at the other shirt. Jude walked over to the shirt and laid down on it, he then started to roll around on it. “Ah stop Jude!” I picked him up and he grabbed the shirt with his claws. “Ok I got it, you don’t want me to wear that one.” He let go of the shirt and I put him back on the bed.

      I picked up the shirt, it was all covered in cat hair and it had holes where his claws went through. He totally ruin this shirt and it happened to be my favorite one too. I tossed it back on the bed and finished getting dressed before Karina came in here and yelled at me for not being ready yet.

      I found it amusing how he always sat there and watched me get dressed. I know I should be a bit creped out by it but it really didn’t bother me, he was just a cat after all. I looked in the mirror one more time fixing my hair and the collar of my shirt. I looked pretty good in the shirt after all, hmm Jude actually has good taste.

       I turned around to look at Jude, “So how do I look?” I walked closer to the bed and sat down to put on my shoes. He meowed and crawled onto my lap, he put his front two paws on my chest and rubbed his face against my chin. “I’m going to take that as a yes.” He purred as he continued to do that.

      “I hope I’m not interrupting anything?” Karina said as she walked into my room. She chuckled as I rolled my eyes. I finished putting on my shoes and got up, Jude meowed as I put him down on the floor. “Seriously what are you going to do when Heidi comes back for him?”

     “Well when the time comes I will worry about that, but as of right now I’m going to enjoy his company while I can.” I looked at her, she was dressed in white and yellow strapless dress. She looked really good, “You know if you weren’t my best friend and I wasn’t dating Heidi, I would do you.” she punched me in the arm as I laughed.

      “You’re a dumb ass, I didn’t ask for your input.” She adjusted the top of her dress, “Because I know I look good.” I shook my head, “What’s up with you?” she looked me up and down.’

         “What?” I asked as I looked at myself in the mirror again.

          “Damn who dressed you?” Shit I knew it, I did look like a complete douche.

           “I wasn’t going to wear this but Jude ruined my other shirt. God do I really look that bad?”

            “Dude you look sexy in that, shit I would do you!” I chuckled.

             “For reals?”

             “Hell yeah, and why haven’t you been dressing like this before?”

         “I don’t know I just always felt like I wouldn’t look good in it and the only reason I put it on was because of Jude. Actually he picked it out and when I told him I was going to wear the other one, he rolled around on top of it. Getting it full of cat hair and then he dug his claws into it as well.” Karina stared at me weird, “What?”

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