Rescue Me

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*A/N Um yeah, i'm just going to say sorry right now, so yeah enjoy!*

Chapter Eleven

      I felt like my head was going too explored, I couldn’t move and it was dark. I thought back to what happened when Clayton caught us leaving and we got into a fight. We found the bottle and I told Toby to run with it and I would deal with Clayton. Little did I know I was going to be hit on the head.

   It was dark and I couldn’t move my arms or legs. Now I just assume he had me tied up somewhere, but if any good came from this it would be that Toby got away with the bottle. So any threat of him being turned back to the cat was gone.

    At least I hoped he got away and that he was getting help. Then they could get the cops and they could save me before anything bad happens. I heard a door open and then followed by footsteps.

     Felt someone rip off the blindfold, I blinked as I tried to adjust to the bright light shining in my face. “You’re lucky you’re still alive, I should kill you right now, but I think I will make you suffer first.” I looked around the room, he had me in the basement.

    I looked back at him and saw him standing in front of a table, to what he looking at I couldn’t tell. “You know I have always had a thing about knives.” he said as he turned around, he was holding a big hunting knife. He pressed his index finger against the tip and twisted it lightly. A small drop of blood ran down his finger, holy crap that’s a sharp knife.

    “What are you going to do with that?” I asked as he walked closer to me.

    “What do you think I’m going to do with it?” he pressed the tip against my neck and slowly dragged it down my neck. “You ever wonder how long it will take a person to bleed out.”

      “Not really, because I’m not a psycho.” He chuckled.

     “Four minutes if you slit their throat, very messy but guaranteed a pretty quick death.” he said as he pressed the tip harder against my neck. “Lucky for you, I’m going to make your death last a little longer. Nothings makes me happier than hearing people scream out in agony.” He moved the knife to my forehead and pressed it cutting my skin.

     I screamed out in pain as I felt blood run down my face. “Yes that’s what I like to hear,” he said as he cut deeper. “I wonder how long you can withstand the pain before it becomes too much for you?” he put the knife down, “You know the cops already came by looking for you, but  told them you weren’t here. I even let them search the house, just to show them you weren't here.”

     “How is that even possible?”

      “Easy, this is a hidden room that only I know of and hiding you wasn’t that hard.”

      “Well you’re not going to get away with this, Toby will tell the cops about what you did and they will come for you.”

       He laughed evilly, “You really think any cop in their right mind is going to believe Toby was turned into a cat? God I thought you were smart, they are going to think he is insane and most likely get put in a nuthouse. Don’t worry he will be fine there with all the electric shock therapy he is going to get there.”

      “You’re sick you know that, if anyone deserves to be put into a nuthouse, it’s you.” I spit in his face, he yelled out in disgust as he wiped his face.

     “You piece of shit!” he yelled as he backhanded me across my face. “For that I’ll make your suffering longer and as painfully as possible.” he punched me in the gut before he walked over to the table again.

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