All To Myself

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Dedicating this to a special fan, he hasn't had it easy lately and I hope you gets better and you enjoy this chapter.

Chapter Nine

I sat there as Karina and Toby went over the possible ways that we could get into Clayton's home or office. So many thoughts went through my head, but the one thought I just couldn't shake off was Jude. I know I got my wish of Jude becoming human, but he's Toby now. Once all this is over and done with, was he going to stay with me?

He said that true love is what broke the curse but was it going to be enough for him to stay with me? He has a family to go back to, for all I knew he had someone waiting for him already. Someone that was more of his social status then I could ever be. Someone he can be with and not worry about what people will say about it.

For the first time in my life, I felt like I wasn't good enough for someone. The more I thought about it, the more I realized I might never be good enough for Toby.

"Earth to Declan!" Katrina yelled as she snapped her fingers in front of my face. "Dude what's with you that is the third time you have spaced out on us in the last hour." She looked at me with concern, I look at Toby.

He looked at me, I wish I knew what was going on in his head. To know of he felt the same about me or what I thought we had was nothing. "Um yeah sorry, just thinking about how tomorrow we start our new positions." I said as I looked away from Toby. "So what is the plan again?" I asked as I got up from my seat and put my coffee mug in the sink.

"Well we were saying that you and I can check his office when we go in and meet with him tomorrow. I'm sure one of us could distract him long enough to look around for the bottle." I could feel Katrina look me, but I looked down at the floor. Just trying to look at either one of them was hard, she knew me better than anyone and she would know that something was wrong.

"If it's not there, how are we going to get into his home to look for it?"

"Getting into his home isn't going to be that hard, he was never big on security and I know exactly where his home office is, it will be easy to get in and out unnoticed." Toby said.

"And here I thought Clayton kept his home better guarded." Karina said.

"He does but, there are blind spots and I know the closest ones to his office."

"So it's settled then, after tomorrow Toby will be on his way home and everything will go back to normal. Just like none of this ever happened," I said as I turned my back to them. I felt so stupid for letting this get to me, who was I kidding? Toby wasn't going to stick around and be with me, he had a life he needs to go back to. A life that doesn't concern me, I'm just the drunk idiot that kissed a cat.

"So I have some things I need to take care of before tomorrow, but i will see you two in the morning." Katrina said as she walked over to me and placed her coffee cup in the sink. Her eyes met mine, giving me another concerned look. I smiled at her, she sighed before she smiled back at me.

"Well I'll leave you two then, bye Toby." She waved goodbye as she walked out the door. I looked over to Toby as he finished his cup of coffee.

"Do you want some more?" I asked as I grabbed the pot.

"No I'm good, but I am hungry. Do you have something I could make to eat?"

"Well I can make us something, anything you would like?"

"I don't want to impose."

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