Life on the island for 3 months

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Adam's P.O.V.

I had Ross put all her videos on flash drives befor they deleted her channel Max is super depressed They only had one date God i miss her

Jessie's P.O.V.

i haven't sleep a full night cause i have to keep watch half the night and then the babies start crying i realy miss the guys we have tried to contact somebody but no luck  the kids are happy and making shelter i guess we might have to be here a while

*time skip 2 months*

Anna sick and the babies are too i going to get back to Adam Max And Ross(hint hint nudge nudge big part) trace and me work on smoke signals and making sure were ok

*time skip 1 more month*

there getting worse and now trace is starting to get a fever i  am getting home now i get a lot of fire wood tell the teens to keep the babies safe and light the fire in the shape of a SOS in no time we here helicopters they get us we load up and start to head to Washington by my request while on the way there i sign 9 sets of adoption papers and the teens call me "mom" witch is ok cause i am amazing so i go with it i get to the hospital and apparently they ate and were fine but my foot was infected

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