Lying, biting people who taste like candy,and wan to kill a cheater!!!

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Raina: *Laughs* Yeah, lets hurry!

Max: *gets in car* lets go or as Jessie says Allons-y

Raina: Right, allons-y

Max* drives there and they go in

Raina: Ross! Are you still alive!?!?!

Jessie: no hes not cuz im insane why

Ross: Honestly she just scared me! *laughs*

Jessie: good

Raina: What did you do Jessie? *Facepalms*

Jessie: nothing* suspiciously *

Raina: C'mon what'd you do?

Jessie: i hide under his stuffed animals and when a jump scare happened i jumped out

Ross: I. Was. Terrified.

Jessie: your weak

Ross: I get scared with people jumping out at me! I was even recording!

Jessie: you screamed like a girl*laughs

Max: what was he playing

Jessie:he fell out of his chair

Ross: I can't believe I uploaded that!

Jessie: did you put me in the description

Ross: Yes! The name is Jessie Freaking Scares Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Raina: Jessie I need to see that episode

Jessie: yes but first can you take the kids shopping with me

Raina: Yes! I would completely enjoy being seen by fan girls twice today! *Sarcastic*

Jessie: we can be in hoodies to hid our faces

Raina: Ummm sure, why not sky's new budder hoodie?

Jessie: or you steal max's and i steal ross's

Raina: Yay! Steal Max~Senpai's Hoodie!

Jessie: yay Ross give me you hoodie now before i actually dye your snuggie pink

Ross: Alright, alright! *hands her hoodie*

Raina: Plz Max~Kun!

Jessie: it smells like senpai

Max: here

Ross: Cuz it is mine!

Raina: Thank you!

Max: your welcome hey Jessie how does Ross smell

Jessie: like candy

Ross: Good, duh!!

*They drive to the mall*

Jessie but candy taste better

Jessie: hey what should we do first shop or eat

Raina: It depends on you, I'm not very hungry.*Looks around*

Jessie: lets go spend all my money

Raina: Jessie, don't spend it all in one place!

Jessie: why not its fun

Raina: Don't waste your money!

Jessie:fine lets go get the stuff

Raina: I'd like to buy a few baby outfits...

Jessie: k lets go to the baby store

Raina: Great!

Jessie: fabulous

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