chapter i cant think of a name for

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Raina: *Texts Max* We are coming back now!

Max: *texts * k see you soon

Max; there coming back

Ross: Okay, can you please tell Jessie that I will go to the shows?

Max why don't you

Ross: Okay, I will..


Ross: Why don't you go out on a date like the good old days with Raina?

max: What

Jessie: Raina im tired tell people not to bother me

Ross: Jessie, I'm sorry I overreacted, Will you please forgive me?

Jessie: Raina your already fired god i need a new body guard

Raina: He's apologizing... Please just listen.

Ross: Just hear me out!

Jessie: fine you have 2 min

Max: or i will tell

Ross: I love you, Jessie! I will go to ALL the performances! I will pay for the ticket!

Ross: Just take Raina out to a movie Max!

Jessie: Raina do you believe him

Ross: Yes.

Raina: Yeah, give him ONE more chance.

Jessie: fine but only one and i have my best spy watching

Ross: I won't screw it up! I promise!

Jessie: carry me to my office so i can sleep

Ross: MAX!

Ross: *Picks her up and takes her to her office.

Max: what

Ross: Take Raina to the movies! Have fun!

max: k bye

Raina: *Hugs Max*

Max: hugs back

Raina: What did you investigate?

Max: i not allowed to tell sorry but its nothing now

Raina: You know you can trust me...right? *Looks up at him*

max: i know but it involves someone who you care about and you would tell them so it gone now thankfully

Raina: Alright...*Looks worried about Max*

Max: it not about me or your family so be happy

Raina: Most of family is dead...

Max: oh um can we go to the movie now

Raina: Yeah. *Shakes the thought off.*

Jessie: don't have to much fun with out protection

Raina: Do you usually get seen in public?

Max: not unless im with the guys

Raina: Oh, same. When I'm with Jessie I'm always recognized.

Max: well hopefully we can have a quiet evening at the theaters

Raina: Hopefully,

Max: watch you want to watch

Raina: Do you think anything looks good?

Fan girl: *Screams*

Max: Run

Raina: Oh god.. *Groans*

Max: *gets tackled by fangirls * Save yourself

Raina: *Laughs* Please, Girls, I'm sure you wouldn't tackle a pregnant woman.

Max: what if i was a pregnant man

Fan girl: *Laughs* Me, typical, Hey sorry Raina, I didn't see you. Have a good one! *Leaves*

Max: god being famous and sexy is hard

Raina: *laughs* Wow, come on, let's see that movie.

Max: can we watch dead pool

Raina: Is it scary?

Max: no its awesome

Raina: Alright.

Max: yay

Raina: Honestly, I'm kind of worried..

Max: why

Raina: Just, you know. Cuz...

Max: cuz is not a reason

Raina: I don't know then, I just...

Max:i know just lets watch the movie

Raina: Alright.

*after the movie*

Raina: That was a weird movie...

Max:well wireds our life

Raina: *Laughs* True.

Max: lets go make sure Jessie didn't kill Ross while we were gone

Raina: Why would she kill Ross?

Max: shes Jessie does she need a reason

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