reasons, truth, and ross being annoying

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Jessie: hey come on I needed help and no one was there.

Ross: Raina was there! Nina was there! I was there! You haven't told Raina, have you?

Jessie: no and. Nina wasn't here your the. Reason I cut do why and you weren't. Here

Ross: Can I tell Raina?

Jessie: yes but keep me on the phone

Ross: RAINA GET IN HERE!!! Can Max come?


Raina: Max, this should be interesting...

Ross: *Puts on speaker*

Max: what?

Raina: C'mon *Takes his hand and opens the door*

Jessie: Ross quick say it now

Ross: Raina, Jessie has been cutting herself.

Raina: What????

Jessie: tell them where I am and why

Raina: Where are you Jessie?!?!?! *Starting to cry*

Max: Jessie where are you

Ross: She's at the hospital lets just say she dug to deep...

Max: wait so she is in the hospital and it's cause she cut to deep. I'm telling Adam.

Raina: Jessie! Why would you even do this?!?!? Max shoot, you guys need to catch that airplane!

Max: crap Ross lets go now

Jessie: well bye to you two

Raina: Bye Jessie! Talk to you in an hour, you up for the video still?

Jessie: sure if you want to see the cut then fine

Raina: I'll see you in an hour!

Jessie: yeah bye

Raina: You guys ready to go?

Max: yeah I pretty sure Ross is upset now even more but we're ready

Raina: Well, he'll get over it. Let's hurry guys.

Max: let's go Ross I grab you bag and if remember Jessie doesn't come back because of you I Will kill you

Ross: No, she'll come back.. I told her the truth so she and you can check my phone later just incase.

Raina: I'm driving by the way, since seeing a freaky story about a car crash with a pregnant woman in it I'm not taking any chances.

Max: I'm going to sit in the front cause I'm better than Ross then but Ross don't blow it.

Max: I'm going to sit in the front cause I'm better than Ross then but Ross don't blow it

Ross: *Grabs suitcase* lets go.

Max: *opens door and runs to car

Raina: *Gets in the car and they're off!*

*time skip till there on the plane-*

Raina: *Texts Max right away* Miss you soooo much!

Max:* text back* 😘I love u

Ross: Are you not the least bit worried about Raina?

Max: if by a little you mean completely worried then yes

Ross: She's going to be alone for the whole time we are gone.

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