lying little cheater

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Max: lets go

Jessie: Ross carry me


Jessie: well its amazing so i also want to go by my new house

Raina: YEAH!!!! Max you need to see it!

Max: why

Raina: Cuz its AWESOME!

Jessie: lets go boys im hungry and Nina and i need to get ready for the train in 19 days

Raina: Ugh!!!!!! Why do you have to go?

Jessie: cause i have people all over the world who want me to i might be able to get a few more tickets for some people if you want to come

Raina: I know.... It's just, You better be back for the baby!

Jessie: i will and just make sure Ross and Adam behave and come to at least one of my shows

Ross: I don't think I can go...

Jessie: why

Ross: With work and stuff I'm too stressed.

Raina: *Looks ticked*

Jessie: you make videos for the internet

Ross: I can't explain it... I just can't go.

Jessie: Raina what do you think

Raina: I think this is crap!


Jessie: Adam can you

Adam: Yeah, I'm free!

Jessie: k *grabs crunches and heads out with out looking at Ross*

Raina: *Gives Ross dirty look*

Adam: Thank you! Ross!

Jessie: im hungry Adam carry me

Adam: *Picks up Jessie and takes her to her car*

Jessie: yay alons-y

Raina: Are you coming Max?

Max: im have some thing i need to investigate

Raina: Okay! I'll see you later!

Max: bye

Raina: Love you!

Max: love You too

Raina: *Gets into Jessie's car*

Jessie: *flips off Ross and looks away

Raina: *Laughs*

Adam; lets go

*They go, Back to Max*

Max: * stole Ross's phone before they left* whose this

Ross: Who?

Max: someone

Ross: Why do you have my phone, Max?!?!


Max: are you cheating on Jessie

Ross: No!!!! Give me my phone Max!

Max: are you lying


Max: *clicks the person and calls them*

???: Hey, Ross! Whats up babe?

Max:* hangs up * im telling jessie

Ross: Don't

Max: why shouldn't i

Ross: I love Jessie!~

Max: then why cheat

Ross: i dont even know...

Max: she deserves to know

Ross: Max! Please!!!

Max: why and give me a good reason

Ross: I already did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Max: no you didnt

Ross: I LOVE HER!!!!

Max: shes been hurt enough and you cheat on her no point in prolonging the pain

Ross: Max!

Max: if adam finds out he will kill you

Ross: I know!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please just make her hate me but dont let Adam know!

MAx: she will tell him


Max: so your job is worth more than jessie

Ross: No! It isnt! I will break up with whoever that girl is!

Max: then do it now

Ross: *Calls girl*

???: Hey, Whats up?

Ross: I hate you!

???: what

Ross: I'm breaking up with you!

???: why

Ross: Because you ruined my life! *Hangs up*

Max: wow

Ross: There!

Max:good job but if you ever do anything like that again i will tell

Ross: Alright!

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