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max: * smiles* shes pregnant

Alesa: Jessie knew it!

Jessie : I'm a genius i say we call our old friend and get the grope together

Nina: OMG!!! Jessie it's been forever!

jessie:i know right

kat: Jessie i missed you

jessie :same but im not the reason where here

Nina: What? Is something wrong?

Jessie: no but it something Raina is pregnant

Rebecca: WHAT!?!?!?!

Nina: OUR Raina?

Jessie: yes and i have 9 kids 7 babies and 2 teens

Rebecca: Okay we need to meet!

Nina: Pronto!

Jessie: i know lets do it

Rebecca: Okay where?

Nina: Maybe your office, Jessie!

kat:yes please

Jessie:lets do it

Rebecca: what time and whats the address?

jessie:tomorrow at noon and 123 gaming lane

Rebecca: See you guys there!


kat: awesome

jessie: kk

Rebecca: Bye!!!

NIna: See you lovelys tomorrow!

kat: yay

Jessie:see ya'

*They all end the call*

jessie:the girls will be at the office tomorrow at noon

Ross: Okay...

Alesa: Can't wait to meet them!

adam: yeah i need to know who my baby sis hung out with

jessie: protective much

Ross: Have you met Adam he's the most protective brother in the world.

jessie : no i have not meet adam nice to meet you

adam: you to ms. Jessie

Ross: Oh great we are doing this again.

jessie: doing what again mr. sloth

Ross: Introductions, I thought your parents did that.

Ross: Im a narwhal!

Alesa: Does anyone want to see Raina?

Jessie:yea and it pronounced sloth not narwhal

Alesa: Can we see Raina already?

jessie: *gets up* alons-y

They walk into the room.

jessie: guess whose coming

Raina: *Groggily* Hey guys..

Jessie:guess whose coming

Raina: Who?

Jessie: Nina Kat and Rebecca

Raina: WHAT!?!?!

jessie: they will be at the office tommorow at noon

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