i have no idea what to call this chapter

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Jessie: k thank you guys for watching this was "Bonfire Heart"

Raina: See you later!

*Ross stops the recording and everyone stares at us in awe*

Raina: *Laughs at them*

Ross: I didn't know....

Jessie: how

Ross: You guys are like perfect when you sing together it's like....

Jessie: cause we are great singers

Raina: Dang right we are. *Pretends to look confident*

 Jessie : *falls cause she still sucks at standing on crouches

Raina: *Picks her up*


Raina: Anytime.

Jessie: lets go home and acully sleep

Raina: Sounds good to me. *Holds her stomach lightly.*

Jessie: were are all the babies going to sleep now we don't have room

Raina: Right, where are they going to sleep?

Adam:we have a extra room

Raina: Well. It's late and I wouldn't trust Barney for a second with my kid. I've seen how he plays "Who's your daddy"

Jessie: agreed but 7 babies in one room plus the teens

Raina: I think I have a few sleeping bags? That I took when I went camping once.

Jessie:k its settled but tomorrow im going house searching

Raina: Cool, Don't forget we see the girls tomorrow afternoon

Jessie:k lets go

Raina: I'll get the sleeping bags. Oh yeah, I'll bring Ross' snuggie too.

Ross: Hey! Don't think about it!

Jessie:do it

Raina: *Goes down stairs and gets the things and comes back up*

Raina: Okay, I have the stuff

Jessie: did you get the snuggie

Raina: Yep, It's right here.

Jessie:*grabs it and slips it on *

Raina: *Laughs*

Jessie:do i look better than Ross

Ross: I'll Say! *Hugs her close*

Jessie: im still hungry

Ross: Right I'll get food!

Ross: *Gets some cut up watermelons*

Jessie: yay senpai is getting me watermelon

Ross: *Hands her the watermelon*

Raina: I really need to get home, I'm SUPER tired... *Yawns*

Jessie:well Ross needs to carry me down the stairs and max needs to carry you just cause

max: why do you want me to carry her down stairs

Ross: Yeah, why?

Raina: Jessie, explain.

Jessie: well im crippled witch is sad so i say make it fair and force max to

Raina: *Laughs* And I'm pregnant!

Jessie: that too

Raina: *Smirks*

Jessie: whats with the smirk

Raina: Dunno I haven't smirked in forever? I guess.

Jessie: well i have a idea but ill text you it i don't want Ross to hear

Raina: Alright.

Jessie:* pulls out phone* TEXT READ get me alone with Ross so i can trick him to make me coffee

Raina: *TEXTS BACK Uhhhh...why?

Jessie: *texts back* you'll see and die laughing


Jessie: shuttle so much planing

Raina: NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jessie: Ross carry me there please

Ross: *Picks up Jessie and walks into a different room*

Jessie: Ross im tired can you fix me some coffee

Ross: Sure...? *Makes coffee*

Jessie: *chugs down the coffee im 3 gulps*

Ross: ....

Jessie:*jumps up on Ross's back and forces him to leave the room* giddy up boy i want to go and have some more coffee

Ross: Ummmm you need to go home now.

Jessie:*jumps from Ross to Adam * never fight me Mr. sloth

Raina: *Falls on ground laughing*

Adam: Jessie lets go home and calm you down

Jessie:* jumps to max;'s back * never

Raina: It's just a prank bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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