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i have chosen the following beautiful people and JESSIE IS OFFICIALLY .........BI


Kat Black

Drawing and playing musical instruments

In school, Jessie accidentally tipped her soup onto Kat's Skirt. Once Jessie apologised, she helped clean the skirt. They became friends from there onwards.

Kat's mother died giving birth to her and her dad blamed her for it. Her dad abused her until she moved out when she was 19. She then became a YouTuber and was in a few more abusive relationships. Jessie helped her through it all.


I love your stories. They always warm my heart and I never can wait for the next chapter to come out. I would love to be in your story, it would make my day.


Rebecca Diamond Skylen


They met online in a video game, and got closer so they met in real life and became best friends.

(is she strait or bi)

and last but not least


Name: Nina Daisy Lowen

Talent: Dancing

How they met: Jessie saved Nina from Bullys in school, and they became best friends after that

Backstory: Mom died giving birth to her, her dad is a drunk, and kids in school tease her and sometimes beat her.

Sexuality: Bi, and has a bit of a crush on Jessie.

Why I should be in: I know there's a 99.9% chance you'll pick someone else, but oh well... I love your story and If I was chosen I would be so happy!

All were good and i might go back and use yours later

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